Age of Ravens: 21 Seas & Lazy Hacking
Today on the Gauntlet Blog I talk a little about 7th Sea: what I dig, what doesn’t work for me, and some thoughts on lazy, lazy hacking to get a version I’d actually be decent at running.
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Age of Ravens: 21 Seas & Lazy Hacking
Age of Ravens: 21 Seas & Lazy Hacking
Today on the Gauntlet Blog I talk a little about 7th Sea: what I dig, what doesn’t work for me, and some thoughts on lazy, lazy hacking to get a version I’d actually be decent at running.
City of Gauntlets
City of Gauntlets
We did a Microscope session to craft a high fantasy urban landscape (which we may return to later). Recent releases inspired me: Almbrecht After Dark, Spire, Streets of Avalon, and Umberwell. I’ve posted about it at the @GauntletRPG blog
History of Licensed RPGs (Part IV 1990-92)
History of Licensed RPGs (Part IV 1990-92)
I’ve posted the next installment in my lists on The Gauntlet blog. I continue to be surprised at the # of licensed games from this era- and the # of second bites at the apple.
We had our second session of Cryptomancer on Sunday.
We had our second session of Cryptomancer on Sunday. It was absolutely my jam: info gathering, plotting, problem solving, new complications. Really fun. This particular scenario’s what I call a Conspiracy Sandbox. I wrote up a post explaining what that means: https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/blog/age-of-ravens-conspiracy-sandbox
even more…
even more…
Originally shared by Joseph Teller
Google Is Rushing Things On The Shut Down AGAIN.
“This will be a progressive shutdown beginning in late January, with web and mobile app integrations exhibiting intermittent failures as early as January 28, 2019.
Developers are strongly advised to remove related code from their websites and/or mobile apps as soon as possible. Google+ APIs and Google+ Sign-in are also being shut down. Please see this additional notice.”
On March 7, 2019, Google+ integrations for web and mobile apps will stop functioning. Specifically:
Web integrations, such as Plugins and Interactive Posts, will stop serving. This has the potential to affect website layouts and/or functionality if no action is taken by website owners.
Mobile app integrations, such as +1 buttons, sharing to Google+, and app activities, will cease to function.
Age of Ravens: 2019 RPG Wishlist
Age of Ravens: 2019 RPG Wishlist
I realized I had to do my RPG Wishlist early this year. Since Gauntlet events open two months out, we’re already planning 2019 games. My January sessions include Threadbare, Hearts of Wulin, and Masks. But what about the rest of 2019?
Link: https://bit.ly/2Fob2gC
I present this list in no particular order. It will undoubtedly change in the next few weeks.
If you have Wishlist rpgs for 2019, tell me!!!
On the blog I follow up on my earlier post about using and remixing the idea of Icons from 13th Age in other contexts. For our new Microscope generated 13th Age campaign we created new mostly mortal icons. Half of these the players generated during our Session Zero. The rest I wrote to fill niches, but with ideas, names, and inspiration drawn from the timeline the players created. We’re a couple of sessions down the road with this f2f campaign, and we’re seeing new ideas and dimensions added to these in play.
Link: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/blog/age-of-ravens-concrete-icons
The Year in Horror RPGs 2017
The Year in Horror RPGs 2017
This Halloween on The Gauntlet Blog I’ve belatedly decided to look at Horror RPGs published in 2017.
Link: https://bit.ly/2qiZfWp
I like to wait until late in the year to see how the previous year’s releases have shaken out. I focused on core rules with a print version or a pdf of 100+ pages or so. Items have a small summary and/or minimal commentary. DTRPG has sale prices on this, the last day of their Spooky Games Sale 2018.
Age of Ravens: History of Licensed RPGs (Part II 1984-85)
Age of Ravens: History of Licensed RPGs (Part II 1984-85)
This post looks at couple of early gaming years and the dozen new licensed properties which emerged. Most of these had solid support from their company, but many burned out within a year or two. For example FASA’s Dr Who rpg had a huge number of supplemental products but was dumped two years later.
Link: https://bit.ly/2AsjJ4V
Check it out and if you dig it, I have links to the rest of my list series covering Horror, Post-Apocalypse, Steampunk, and more.
There’s a new survey seeking feedback on the ENNie Awrds.
There’s a new survey seeking feedback on the ENNie Awrds. Note that it closes next Wednesday Oct. 31st. Way to have a decent window to get feedback in. wtf.