While running my Weird Wild Wuxia West game (Sorcerers and Sellswords hack) at Big Bad Con one of my players…

While running my Weird Wild Wuxia West game (Sorcerers and Sellswords hack) at Big Bad Con one of my players…

While running my Weird Wild Wuxia West game (Sorcerers and Sellswords hack) at Big Bad Con one of my players recommended running it by a diversity consultant. Anyone like to recommend a good diversity consultant for RPGs?

I imagine someone has created a spectrum of ttrpgs with narrativist at one one end and simulationist at the other…

I imagine someone has created a spectrum of ttrpgs with narrativist at one one end and simulationist at the other…

I imagine someone has created a spectrum of ttrpgs with narrativist at one one end and simulationist at the other end (is this even the right axis? I could see other options: GM-driven vs collaborative creation?)

If I”m trying to introduce a group to how the hobby has changed in the last 20 years what’s a good series of games to break them in by? something to show them the width and breadth as well as the evolution ?

I recently tried Swords Without Master with someone who had last played Pathfinder and it was a step too far. I’m thinking I need to start with something a bit more structured (but can be quickly learned) and then move forward from there (+1 Forward!).

[direct offshoot of my last post but thought it better to start a new post than to bury this somewhere in the comments as a reply]

Going on an 7-night Alaska cruise/family reunion with my 6 brothers.

Going on an 7-night Alaska cruise/family reunion with my 6 brothers.

Going on an 7-night Alaska cruise/family reunion with my 6 brothers. Optimistically, we’ll have a couple of hours per day of gaming + 1 8-hour session while at sea. Any recommendation for game/games?