Gauntlet Con 2018 Panels
The Gauntlet Con 2018 Panel and Workshop schedule is now up! You can check it out at the link below! Note: Even if you can’t attend the panel live, each will be recorded on YouTube so you can view them later.
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Gauntlet Con 2018 Panels
Gauntlet Con 2018 Panels
The Gauntlet Con 2018 Panel and Workshop schedule is now up! You can check it out at the link below! Note: Even if you can’t attend the panel live, each will be recorded on YouTube so you can view them later.
Kia ora!
Kia ora! Are you all excited for Gauntlet Con? I know I’M excited for Gauntlet Con, because today we’re celebrating Keith Stetson, Jonathan Lavallee, and K.N. Granger as delightful guests!!!
Keith Stetson is an educator and game designer in Glenside, PA. He has been running, playing, and creating games since getting his hands on the original red box D&D set. In addition to contributing to the Itras By Menagerie and Dialect, his game Seco Creek Vigilance Committee was Kickstarted in 2017. His thoughts and creations appear at HumanHandAndBrain.com.
During Gauntlet Con, Keith will run Seco Creek Vigilance Committee.
Jonathan (He/Him) has been working in and around games for over a decade. His latest project is called We Used To Be Friends and it’s a collaborative teenage detective drama game published by Growling Door Games. Let’s have some fun telling stories together!
Jonathan will be running Awoke: Cold Shoulder Road and We Used to Be Friends.
KN Granger is a writer, artist, musician, and game designer who lives in the tri-state area. She develops games that prioritize inclusivity and enjoys low-crunch, high-story concepts. Her best-known games are Ghost Ship Enyo and Traction Park.
During Gauntlet Con, KN Granger will be running Musical Mystery Mansion.
Please be sure to check out our other guests on the Gauntlet Con website! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
Hey, Gang!
Hey, Gang!
Due to some unexpected family stuff that needs my attention this weekend, I’m going to have to skip GauntletCon this year.
Most of the games I had signed up for had waitlists, but for the two that didn’t, I wanted to post here so people know there are openings and maybe we can fill those seats for the GMs.
Hydro Hackers – Coming Up Short
Google+ | Friday, October 19th 2018, 8:00 pm
Turning Point
Google+ | Saturday, October 20th 2018, 6:00 pm
Please check them out, and if they look as interesting to you as they looked to me, sign up!
The Gauntlet Con 2018 Discord Server is Now Open!
The Gauntlet Con 2018 Discord Server is Now Open!
The Gauntlet Con Discord server is now open! If you are a Patreon supporter, there is a post in the Patreon feed with a link to the server. If you are doing the one-time $5 registration, you’ll be getting an email later today with a link to the server (let me know if you don’t get one by COB U.S. evening time).
There are still plenty of games to sign up for (and there will be TONS of pick-up games in the Discord). To get registered for Gauntlet Con, follow the link below.
Come hang out with us!
Did you enjoy Half-Life, The Thing, or Zygote?
Did you enjoy Half-Life, The Thing, or Zygote? Join me on Saturday on the 10/20 for a second playtest of my Anomalis (a game PbtA) at Gauntlet Con 2018, and explore your survival options in a catastrophically failing research facility, while trying to save your work and credibility! All seats available on Saturday! cc @GauntletRPG #halflife #thething #zygote #onlinettrpgconvention #gauntletcon
Playtest 01: Full
Playtest 02: https://gauntlet-con.firebaseapp.com/event-detail/-LKSL3FR27kNPCrOS07I (4 seats available)
More info: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
Kia ora everyone!
Kia ora everyone!! Today we’re celebrating the attendance of three more fantastic guests, Jason Cox, Cat Tobin, and Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, at Gauntlet Con, which is now just under a week away!
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul is a game developer, author, and owner of Angry Hamster Publishing. She is the author of dark fantasy game WITCH: Fated Souls and a game about human heroes and their animal companions, Familiars of Terra. Liz has been the lead developer for John Wick Presents with books set in the 7th Sea World including the Crescent Empire and Heroes & Villains. She has also written for numerous companies including Wizards of the Coast, Onyx Path Publishing, Magpie Games, and Third Eye Games.
During Gauntlet Con, Elizabeth will be running Afterlife.
Cat Tobin is the Managing Director and co-owner of Pelgrane Press. An Irish native, she has been heavily involved with the roleplaying community in Ireland and the UK since the late 1990s, doing everything from writing and design, to marketing, finance, and convention organisation. She likes coffee, hates mornings, and her favourite vegetable is the potato. Cat tweets from @CatTHM.
During Gauntlet Con, Cat will be running Alma Mater Magica.
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul is a game developer, author, and owner of Angry Hamster Publishing. She is the author of dark fantasy game WITCH: Fated Souls and a game about human heroes and their animal companions, Familiars of Terra. Liz has been the lead developer for John Wick Presents with books set in the 7th Sea World including the Crescent Empire and Heroes & Villains. She has also written for numerous companies including Wizards of the Coast, Onyx Path Publishing, Magpie Games, and Third Eye Games.
During Gauntlet Con, Elizabeth will be running Afterlife.
As always, you can check out the Gauntlet Con website for more information on other lovely guests in attendance. http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
We have so many amazing, wonderful people to celebrate as Gauntlet Con rushes ever closer, so today we’re very…
We have so many amazing, wonderful people to celebrate as Gauntlet Con rushes ever closer, so today we’re very delighted to say Misha B, Vivien Feasson, and Epidiah Ravachol will be joining us as guests at this year’s Gauntlet Con!!
Misha is a longtime gamer and GM working on raising the next generation of geeklings. She’s written for multiple games including Chill: SAVE, Lovecraftesque, and Dead Scare, and was an editor of the award winning #Feminism collection of nanogames. She blogs gaming inspired fiction at BlackGirlGameWorks.com, is one of the founders of New Agenda Publishing, and is a curator for More Seats at the Table. Her latest project is Orun.
Vivien Feasson is a French game designer and a translator (Call of Cthulhu, Paranoïa, Spirit of the Century, etc.) who likes to theorize on games sometimes. He is behind the Edo-era chambara Les Errants d’Ukiyo but also the indie Lost in the Rain, a GM-shifting storygame where you play lost children that try to survive in the ghost of a city. Inspired by other local designers, he’s discovered that you could conceive several games based on the same universe, so he launched a crowdfunding operation for another try at his “rainyverse” with Libreté, a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse game which was successfully published in 2017. Right now, he is trying to prepare the English translation of Libreté, publish a supplement with mechas, get his PhD, earn a living, raise his daughter, continue to play rpgs, and create an OSR version of Lost in the Rain.
During Gauntlet Con, Vivien will be running Libreté.
Epidiah Ravachol is an author and game designer known for Dread, the horror roleplaying game that uses Jenga, and his fiction published in the sword and sorcery magazine Worlds Without Master. He resides in the Northeast of the United States of America with his wife and fellow game designer Emily Care Boss and their constellation of space wizards.
During Gauntlet Con, Epidiah will be running Wolfspell and Swords Without Master.
Please check out the Gauntlet Con website for more information on our other fantastic guests! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
Kia ora~~!
Kia ora~~! Just me again letting you know that we’re super excited to have Jim Dagg and Rach Shelkey as guests at this year’s Gauntlet Con!
Jim Dagg of Saddle Shaped Games is an indie RPG designer based in Dayton, Ohio. His work focuses on positivity and empowerment, and the hope that the right people in the right place can be the force for good we need. His previous work includes Just Got Real, a zero-prep game about action heroes, and Battle Princess (published as part of the charity anthology Two Weeks), a game starring adventurous young princesses who lead the realm and its citizens from the front.
During Gauntlet Con, Jim will be running Retrievers and Swords Without Master.
Rach Shelkey is a game designer, writer and podcaster from Toronto. Her love of tabletop gaming comes from a lifelong fascination with experimental media and culture. You can hear her thoughts on gaming as a host of +1 Forward: A Podcast Powered by the Apocalypse. Rach is one of the organizers of Breakout Gaming Convention and her design work has been featured in The Sprawl: November Metric, Golden Sky Stories: Twilight Tales and Codex.
During Gauntlet Con, Rach will be running Golden Sky Stories.
For more information on registering and to check out our lovely guests, please visit the Gauntlet Con website! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
Kia ora~~!
Kia ora~~!! We’re very pleased to celebrate Todd Nicholas and Adrian Thoen as guests at Gauntlet Con as it rushes ever closer!
Todd Nicholas is a game designer and co-owner of Wheel Tree Press. His games include The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power and Time Cellist.
During Gauntlet Con, Todd will be running The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power.
Adrian Thoen is a lover of RPGs that focus on tense, theme-based choices and consequences. Designer of Impulse Drive.
During Gauntlet Con, Adrian will be running Impulse Drive.
Gauntlet Con is just under two weeks away, so be sure to get yourself registered if you haven’t already, and check out more of out lovely, talented guests at the website! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html
Kia ora koutou~~!
Kia ora koutou~~! Hii everyone~~! We’re so very delighted to have Michelle Lyons-McFarland and Josh Fox as guests at Gauntlet Con, which is just a few shy weeks away!
Michelle Lyons-McFarland is co-owner of Growling Door Games and president of the Indie Game Developer Network. She has a Ph.D. in British literature, with specialties in material culture, eighteenth-century literature, and composition. She’s the designer of A Tragedy in Five Acts, and has contributed to more games than she can count since she entered the industry in 200o.
During Gauntlet Con, Michelle will be running Clue: A Tragedy in Five Acts.
Josh got into roleplaying through playing D&D in school lunch breaks and has never looked back. He started designing indie-style RPGs a few years ago and is the co-designer of Lovecraftesque and designer of Flotsam: Adrift Amongst the Stars, and has designed many smaller games like The Big H and the Fiasco playset House of Ill Repute, available on blackarmada.com. In real life, Josh is an adviser to the UK Government, smallholder, and parent of two cheeky children.
During Gauntlet Con, Josh will be running Last Fleet.
Be sure to check out our other lovely guests at the Gauntlet Con website! Oh, and get yourself registered if you haven’t already! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html