We have so many amazing, wonderful people to celebrate as Gauntlet Con rushes ever closer, so today we’re very delighted to say Misha B, Vivien Feasson, and Epidiah Ravachol will be joining us as guests at this year’s Gauntlet Con!!
Misha is a longtime gamer and GM working on raising the next generation of geeklings. She’s written for multiple games including Chill: SAVE, Lovecraftesque, and Dead Scare, and was an editor of the award winning #Feminism collection of nanogames. She blogs gaming inspired fiction at BlackGirlGameWorks.com, is one of the founders of New Agenda Publishing, and is a curator for More Seats at the Table. Her latest project is Orun.
Vivien Feasson is a French game designer and a translator (Call of Cthulhu, Paranoïa, Spirit of the Century, etc.) who likes to theorize on games sometimes. He is behind the Edo-era chambara Les Errants d’Ukiyo but also the indie Lost in the Rain, a GM-shifting storygame where you play lost children that try to survive in the ghost of a city. Inspired by other local designers, he’s discovered that you could conceive several games based on the same universe, so he launched a crowdfunding operation for another try at his “rainyverse” with Libreté, a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse game which was successfully published in 2017. Right now, he is trying to prepare the English translation of Libreté, publish a supplement with mechas, get his PhD, earn a living, raise his daughter, continue to play rpgs, and create an OSR version of Lost in the Rain.
During Gauntlet Con, Vivien will be running Libreté.
Epidiah Ravachol is an author and game designer known for Dread, the horror roleplaying game that uses Jenga, and his fiction published in the sword and sorcery magazine Worlds Without Master. He resides in the Northeast of the United States of America with his wife and fellow game designer Emily Care Boss and their constellation of space wizards.
During Gauntlet Con, Epidiah will be running Wolfspell and Swords Without Master.
Please check out the Gauntlet Con website for more information on our other fantastic guests! http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/gauntlet-con.html