I am really grooving on the gauntlet blog.

I am really grooving on the gauntlet blog.

I am really grooving on the gauntlet blog. Great articles all around. A lot of meat there, plus you can bookmark certain ones to return to. I would love to see a blog roll though that reaches out to other gauntlets blogs. Don’t know how hard or easy that is. But that is a staple in OSR blog land, and how I got into the OSR in the early days before G+. I think blogs may take a more prominent roll again post g+ demise.

You can develop ideas fully in a blog that you might not in a slack conversation or g+ post.

Keep the gaming and community articles coming!


keeper of the Rose warden’s Garden

Be Kind

2 thoughts on “I am really grooving on the gauntlet blog.”

  1. I’m totally on board with the blog idea, and the Gauntlet has once again been prescient in this area with the start of its blog (which occurred prior to the Google+ announcement). I’ve started up a blog (which is especially focused on RPGs with high school students). Here’s another reflection on the issue at hand: technicalgrimoire.com – Blogpocalypse! | Technical Grimoire

    I’d love to see what other members of the Gauntlet community are up to in the blog area. If anyone is interested, my own blog (which is still in very early development) is ludoverse.blogspot.com

    There are other blogs with Gauntlet connections which I’d be eager to recommend . . . Kate Bullock always has insightful posts (http://www.bluestockings.ca/) . . . Ron Edwards’s adeptplay.com site is trenchant (Ron ran some terrific games at Gauntlet Con), etc.


    Keeper of the Feast of Fallen Stones

  2. I’m totally on board with the blog idea, and the Gauntlet has once again been prescient in this area with the start of its blog (which occurred prior to the Google+ announcement). I’ve started up a blog (which is especially focused on RPGs with high school students). Here’s another reflection on the issue at hand: technicalgrimoire.com – Blogpocalypse! | Technical Grimoire

    I’d love to see what other members of the Gauntlet community are up to in the blog area. If anyone is interested, my own blog (which is still in very early development) is ludoverse.blogspot.com

    There are other blogs with Gauntlet connections which I’d be eager to recommend . . . Kate Bullock always has insightful posts (http://www.bluestockings.ca/) . . . Ron Edwards’s adeptplay.com site is trenchant (Ron ran some terrific games at Gauntlet Con), etc.


    Keeper of the Feast of Fallen Stones

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