Hey Keepers of the Gauntlet and fans of Discern Realities!

Hey Keepers of the Gauntlet and fans of Discern Realities!

Hey Keepers of the Gauntlet and fans of Discern Realities! I’ve been hard at work on a project for over a year and I’m dropping it on you today. Announcing Plundergrounds, a zine devoted to Dungeon World adventures! (Also suitable for Macchiato Monsters and other OSR games.)

Get your hands on the free first issue at my Patreon link below. It’s got 24 pages of politically-motivated intelligent apes, gladiator battles, weird alien tech, and an insane dimensional portal. Yeah, all that, and some cool art by Sean Poppe to boot.

If you enjoy it, subscribe through my Patreon and get issues in every even month of 2017.



16 thoughts on “Hey Keepers of the Gauntlet and fans of Discern Realities!”

  1. Day one not even done yet and you already have 20 backers. I wonder if you have any way to see how many downloads you have?

    Also, I totally dig your printing instructions. I now want to print off a copy just so I can post a picture of it on Twitter and G+.

    Good job and congratulations, Ray Otus.

  2. Day one not even done yet and you already have 20 backers. I wonder if you have any way to see how many downloads you have?

    Also, I totally dig your printing instructions. I now want to print off a copy just so I can post a picture of it on Twitter and G+.

    Good job and congratulations, Ray Otus.

  3. Yeah, Jim Jones, I think it’s a good start, but today is about 1/3 to 1/2 friends from my circles here on G+, so it will likely slow down. Even so, that’s better than I hoped and I’m not in this for the $. I would just like to get to the point where I’m not paying a lot out of pocket for the art I buy for the zine. And yeah! Print one up when you get time and post it! That would be cool to see. Goodness knows I’ve printed quite a few proofreading copies for myself, so I know it all works. πŸ™‚

  4. Yeah, Jim Jones, I think it’s a good start, but today is about 1/3 to 1/2 friends from my circles here on G+, so it will likely slow down. Even so, that’s better than I hoped and I’m not in this for the $. I would just like to get to the point where I’m not paying a lot out of pocket for the art I buy for the zine. And yeah! Print one up when you get time and post it! That would be cool to see. Goodness knows I’ve printed quite a few proofreading copies for myself, so I know it all works. πŸ™‚

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