I Name Them Keepers of the Gauntlet!

I Name Them Keepers of the Gauntlet!

I Name Them Keepers of the Gauntlet!

We’re just $39 away from hitting our second Patreon goal! Check it out: https://patreon.com/gauntlet

I want to say thanks to our newest patrons, and name them Keepers of the Gauntlet…

James Iles, Keeper of the Cerulean Legacy

Chris Thompson, Keeper of the Library of Atlantis

Rob Abrazado, Keeper of the Purple Falsehood

Richard Ruane, Keeper of the Sacred Malignance

Tim Jensen, Keeper of the Pilgrim’s Forge

John Nolan, Keeper of the Crown of Good King Edwall

John Roberts, Keeper of the Sword of St. Murienne

Oliver Granger, Keeper of the Rose Maiden’s Labyrinth

Aaron B, Keeper of the Child Upon Whom We Dare Not Look

Jacob Wood, Keeper of the Protoplasmic Pit

Jorge Salazar, Keeper of the Red King’s Heart

Yoshi Creelman, Keeper of the Triton’s Blessing

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