Got to play Robert Bohl ‘s Misspent Youth at Strategicon Games on Demand! Epically amazing.
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Got to play Robert Bohl ‘s Misspent Youth at Strategicon Games on Demand! Epically amazing.
Got to play Robert Bohl ‘s Misspent Youth at Strategicon Games on Demand! Epically amazing.
Stars and Wishes
Stars and Wishes
Hey everyone! Our lovely star Sidney Icarus has been very busy with life and work, and I can’t wish enough that he return to our loving caress. But until he does, maybe we should celebrate his love with a little stars and wishes, que no?
Stars: How awesome have you been? What progress have you made? What great things have you done?
Wishes: What’s coming up and how would you like it to look? What greatness do you have planned?
Big Bad Con roll call time!
Big Bad Con roll call time!
Who’s coming to Walnut Creek in the SF-Bay Area for a Big Bad adventure the weekend of Oct 13-15? What are you excited about? Have you been before? Do you have recommendations or tips-and-tricks or recommended eats? Should we try to take a group photo to commemorate such an event? Chat on!
Hello Gauntleteers! Anyone going up GeekGirlCon in Seattle this weekend?
Hello Gauntleteers! Anyone going up GeekGirlCon in Seattle this weekend?
Based on “Things to do in the first session of your Dungeon World game, a guide to making player choices matter”…
Based on “Things to do in the first session of your Dungeon World game, a guide to making player choices matter” (aka https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Fi3-pCFSAOUjlJZHJmaFlYbzQ/view) by T. Franzke, I mocked up some smaller 3×5″ cheat sheets (they can fit on an index card).
Got to test this out at Games on Demand at Strategicon this weekend, and it worked pretty well in focusing me quickly (and visually) for the classes they chose. Let me know if you find these helpful. Happy to add some for other playbooks (but I don’t have experience with many).
http://tinyurl.com/DW-session1-cs for the full page version (four 3×5 cards on a page) or http://tinyurl.com/DW-session1-cs-3×5 to print directly to index cards.
My little writeup of session 5 of The Watch with excellent GM Michael X.
My little writeup of session 5 of The Watch with excellent GM Michael X. Heiligenstein and players Michael G. Barford, Horst Wurst, and Stephen Humphreys. (Thanks for going to Go Play Yoshi Creelman, just so I could play in this game. Very sweet of you.) And thanks all for a welcoming game everyone. Had a great time, and wish I could join more, but I’m sure MXH will take care of Lollec for me (even if she falls to The Shadow).
I just heard a Pathfinder gripe during Ray Otus’s plundergrounds hangout with Sophia Brandt and it reminded me of…
I just heard a Pathfinder gripe during Ray Otus’s plundergrounds hangout with Sophia Brandt and it reminded me of this design that I think some of y’all might appreciate.. (not the “stud”, the shirt)
Hello Gauntleteers!
Hello Gauntleteers! Anyone planning to go to Newmexicon (April 21-23)? Heard it’s a nice smallish indie RPG-friendly con here in the SouthWest. They have a Kickstarter to raise funds for extras (linked), but mostly it’s looking like I may be going, so curious if any Gauntlet folks are planning to go.
In case anyone has some coins to spend for more fall of magic craziness.
In case anyone has some coins to spend for more fall of magic craziness. A new coin design, and optionally this lovely little case.
Originally shared by Ross Cowman
We just hired an additional artist to help meet the unexpected demand for the fox case! 36 hours left if you’d like to get one of these for your copy of Fall of Magic.
Hey Gauntleteers.
Hey Gauntleteers. Anyone going to Strategicon Orccon 2017 in February 17-20 weekend here in Los Angeles? I know Chris Shorb is going (yes?) I’ll be there and running some games including helping facilitate Games on Demand on Saturday.