Next question for #tcde:
5) How should descriptive traits (non-numeric) affect the dice pool use?
Note 1: This question builds on the premise of having both numeric and descriptive traits.
Note 2: Due to comments in and conclusions from previous polls, question number four 4 was removed.
TL;DR – I’m asking about 20 questions of your preferences around game mechanics. The results will be summed up into a crowd-directed game mechanic document. I have been asked a few question about why I post them one and one, and the answer is I want to lower the threshold for participation, and to have time to follow up each question’s comments and feedback.
There are some limitations of the G+ poll functions, so I have made some compromises. From now on I will add the full list of questions in this post so every poll get the correct context (thx +Yoshi Creelman), and the most recent poll results will be added to the premise post here:
The questions asked so far are:
* What dice pool complexity appeals the most to you?
* What dice type do you prefer?
* What should the dice pool be derived from?
* How should the dice pool be used? <--- Removed
* How should descriptive traits (non-numeric) affect the dice pool use?
The questions left are:
* Should we add more features to the dice pool?
* How should the target number/difficulty be handled?
* What type of resolution measurements should be used?
* How should the effect/outcome from successful actions be handled?
* How could descriptive traits relate to resolution and conflicts?
* What trait should be the character’s most dominant?
* How should a character’s competence be structured (excluding characteristics)?
* How many derived (secondary) traits do you prefer (that describe resistance abilities, generic abilities not covered by characteristics, or extraordinary bonuses, e.g. Armor Class or Humanity, etc)?
* Through what process should character development mainly take place?
* What health mechanics do you prefer?
* What health mechanics detail level do you prefer?
* To what extent do you like parallel health mechanics?
For those of you who are interested in the premise and the details, check this link out: If you miss a particular question that could broaden our perspective, don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comments.
After this poll, there is only one more question regarding the dice pool.