Mini-Con Thoughts

Mini-Con Thoughts

Mini-Con Thoughts

Jason Cordova, last night during the Dragon Age one-shot, you mentioned the Gauntlet having it’s own mini-con (RPG Gauntlet on Demand) at either a local game store or other suitable venue, I like the ideal of that and would like to feedback and thoughts (and interest level) from the members about this.

If anyone is interested in playing that lives on the Northeast side humble Kingwood porter area we have a great…

If anyone is interested in playing that lives on the Northeast side humble Kingwood porter area we have a great…

If anyone is interested in playing that lives on the Northeast side humble Kingwood porter area we have a great group that plays at swords and superheroes in Kingwood. You can find us on Facebook at the Kingwood tabletop gamers.

Hello, Gauntlet members!

Hello, Gauntlet members!

Hello, Gauntlet members! I am a recent transplant to Houston, and a long-time gamer, though I have been out of the loop for a while. Among my interests are D&D 4e, FFG’s Warhammer 40k games, World of Darkness (old and new), Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Dresden Files, and a long list of others. I am looking for a game to play in, a group to join, or just someone to discuss RPGs with. I hope to find that here, so thanks for having me!

Dark Skull Studios will be doing several demonstrations of both table-top game systems New Gods of Mankind and…

Dark Skull Studios will be doing several demonstrations of both table-top game systems New Gods of Mankind and…

Dark Skull Studios will be doing several demonstrations of both table-top game systems New Gods of Mankind and Anointed: Mantle of the Gods. Everyone is invited and I personally want to me every one of you! More information on the games can be found on our website

I will sum up both games here:

New Gods of Mankind is a strategic table-top RPG where you play a New God in a mythic bronze age setting. The rules are quick and allow you create awesome miracles in the blink of an eye. Combat is quick and often is opposed rolls from d4- d100.

Anointed: Mantle of the Gods is our Champions Rules if you want to play heroes in our world instead of gods. The rules are simple and the dice are d4-d12 in small dice pools. The rule system is compatible with our New Gods of Mankind game yet more in depth.

We plan to do 1-2 hour slots so you can get a feel for each system. We will be pulling out all the stops and show off our board game expansion set called Kathonia Adventures….lots of board game pieces, cardstock figures and buildings all ready to go for the adventures. A huge 18-24 map of Kathonia will be on display and we will be running Heroes and Gods versions of the Ostan Crusade Campaign.

Darrell Hardy will be there to demonstrate Anointed: Mantle of the Gods which he co- wrote. Darrell has worked for Fantasy Flight Games and many other games in the industry.

Adam Schmidt is our Art Director and will be there demonstrating New Gods of Mankind. He has a lot of great artwork that will be on display.

Richard Leon the Owner of Dark Skull Studios will be there demonstrating both games and doing whatever it takes to give you a bad ass experience of our game and system.

Started work on a mini. Not done, but was getting there. May need a new brush.. Mine have gotten old… 😅

Started work on a mini. Not done, but was getting there. May need a new brush.. Mine have gotten old… 😅

Started work on a mini. Not done, but was getting there. May need a new brush.. Mine have gotten old… 😅

Included a dime for scale.

Anyone using any of the Virtual Table Top programs like d20Pro, Fantasy Grounds, or

Anyone using any of the Virtual Table Top programs like d20Pro, Fantasy Grounds, or

Anyone using any of the Virtual Table Top programs like d20Pro, Fantasy Grounds, or