Care to try out alternative Aid/Interfere moves for Dungeon World?

Care to try out alternative Aid/Interfere moves for Dungeon World?

Care to try out alternative Aid/Interfere moves for Dungeon World? I’m looking for feedback on how these work in actual play.

Originally shared by Jeremy Strandberg

Anyone willing to playtest some revised Aid or Interfere moves for me?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking hard about these moves. I’ve never really liked how either Aid or Interfere work, and I’m strongly leaning towards using these revisions in #Stonetop. I’ve started using them in my home game, but we just don’t play enough (and the moves don’t come up enough) for me to get a really good feel for them.

Note that these versions don’t use Bonds (though they don’t preclude you from resolving bonds at End of Session).

If you use these, please let me know! I’ll have questions for you!


When you help another character who is about to roll for a move, tell us how you do it. If everyone agrees that it would help, roll a d6 and they can use your roll in place of one of their dice. Regardless of whether they use your die, you are exposed to any risk, cost, or consequences associated with the roll.

When you jump in to help another character who just rolled_, tell us how you plan to do it and ask the GM what else is required or what the consequences will be. If you accept, increase your ally’s roll by +1.


When you try to foil another character’s move, say how you do it and roll…

…+STR if you use brute force

…+DEX if you move quickly or employ finesse

…+CON if you hold steady or suck it up

…+INT if you exploit a relevant detail or expertise

…+WIS if you had a feeling they’d do this

…+CHA if you rely on subterfuge, charm, or wiles

On a 10+, they pick 1 from the list below; on a 7-9, they pick 1 but if they let you foil their move then you are off balance, exposed, or otherwise left vulnerable; ask them what they do next.

• Do it anyway, but take -2 to the roll.

• Relent, change course, or otherwise allow their move to be foiled

I had a good chuckle at this list of magic items – enjoy!’s_magic_items

I had a good chuckle at this list of magic items – enjoy!’s_magic_items

I had a good chuckle at this list of magic items – enjoy!’s_magic_items

The Bagpipes of Stealth and Book of Curses are personal favourites.’s_magic_items

What are some of your favorite things to treat your characters with in PBTA games?

What are some of your favorite things to treat your characters with in PBTA games?

What are some of your favorite things to treat your characters with in PBTA games? I mean, when they roll a custom move what are your favorite good options? What are the options that you like to punish your characters with?

So, I made this thing.

So, I made this thing.

So, I made this thing. It’s a very basic random NPC generator built in Google Sheets. I don’t intend this as a character sheet generator, just as a name, description and basic personality generator. It shows three Quirks and Traits by default, but they can be contradictory so I recommend you just pick and choose whatever results work for you.

It’s got a bunch of first and last names — selected independently — personality traits, and quirks. It also generates hair and eye color in a (somewhat) accurate representation of real world percentages. I reduced the influence of South America, Asia and Africa (black hair, brown eyes) a little bit so you get a bit more variation.

I’ve tested it on my Android phone and my iPad through the Sheets app and it worked fine for me, but here’s the kicker — since both devices are accessing the same sheet, refreshing it from one device refreshes it on the other. They don’t get the same values, but the values on the Form tab do change. You can fix this for yourself by just copying it to your own Drive and using it from there (actually, please do this anyway — I’ve made the file view-only, though you should be able to save it for yourself).

Using and personalizing the sheet! This is the exciting and important stuff:

1) You need to get the data on the Form tab to refresh. You can do this most simply by just typing a character into an empty and hitting Enter and everything should change. Alternately you can refresh your browser page or reload the document.

2) You can change any and all of the data on the Data tab to suit your needs. The names I’ve used are Earth-modern. I pulled them from the crew of a major movie made outside of the US, so there’s a wide range of cultures represented, though it is primarily European.

You can change all the Quirks or Traits to anything you want, change the percentages of the eye and hair color to suit your world (pro tip: if you want 18% red hair put in 100 values for hair color and make 18 of them red). If you want to add another value… well, there are some generic columns already there, but you can email me and I can explain it if you’re having trouble figuring it out yourself.

I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think!

Great Baltimore shots for Urban Shadows

Great Baltimore shots for Urban Shadows

Great Baltimore shots for Urban Shadows

Talks to our idea for Urban Shadows, right River Williamson​?

Originally shared by Rob Donoghue

Little bit of magical Baltimore

Care More (possibly part of being a GGG player)

Care More (possibly part of being a GGG player)

Care More (possibly part of being a GGG player)

“I don’t care about ___” or “My character wouldn’t care about ___” is an unfortunately common and easy response. I make my character and you make yours, and the GM makes a plot. We focus on our character, their backstory and the way they think and can’t be expected to have an opinion on another character’s hangups or whatever is going on in that village?

But when someone (player or GM) asks you what your character thinks about ___ or what they are doing about __, it is an invitation to care about something. “I don’t care” stops the RP dead and discourages people from involving you in the future. There might be things your character focuses on and other things that they go along with because they know it is important to someone else. But saying your character doesn’t care, is not getting involved and will start paying attention when something better peaks their interest makes it look like you don’t want to play with the other players. You only care about your stuff.

You should come into the game with the assumption that your character is there because he is interested and invested in the group and whatever is going on. Even if it has been established that your characters do not get along, it should not be because they don’t care about what the other is doing. Even if you want to avoid something happening in the world, it should not be because you do not care. Even if your character is totally mercenary, it is because he cares about getting paid. Maybe there are characters who really don’t care, hardcore loners or aloof scholars, but maybe you should leave those to be NPCs and not the focus of the story.

Avoid getting so focused on what your character is doing that you essentially abandon the party. When someone asks you to care, try hard to imagine why you would. Talk to the other player for more info. Maybe they know why you would care or you can tell them what it would take to get your character to care about it. Maybe you can work together to adapt the story to be more interesting. Even if it’s not crucial to your character or there is something more interesting waiting down the road, be there for the other players. Be excited to help them move the fiction in the ways that interest them. At the very least have a conversation, have your character ask why they should care and allow the other character a chance to convince you.

Sorry for the rant.

This may be of interest to PBTA design folks and enthusiastic players alike.

This may be of interest to PBTA design folks and enthusiastic players alike.

This may be of interest to PBTA design folks and enthusiastic players alike. When I was wrapping my head around the math in 2d6+Stat, and looking at what happens when you use Advantage and Disadvantage, I used anydice to make myself this reference chart.

Two things I took away from the chart is that keeping your modifier in the 3 to + 3 range will always make 6 and 10+ possible, if very unlikely at the extreme edges of the probability curve. Advantage keeps this math unbroken, while making a big enough difference to the roll to matter. Also seeing the triumphant 6 or heartbreaking 1 on that third dice is a visceral sensation for players.

The other thing worth noting is that + 1 is the median point for probability. On a + 1, misses and full hits are equally likely. Systems that use 2 and -3 as modifiers are actually going to have a greater focus on the 6 result, which I find very interesting.

I also included 7+ as a result, since that result often gives the player at least some of what they want.

Disclaimer: I’m a probability and math dummy, so take all of this with a grain of salt, and trust someone with better math skills than myself on the numbers.

I thought it would be nice to share our personal picture collection for various RPG settings.

I thought it would be nice to share our personal picture collection for various RPG settings.

I thought it would be nice to share our personal picture collection for various RPG settings. Find my Pinterest profile below.

I find it sometimes hard to find NPC pictures especially for non stereotypical characters: older people, diverse professional backgrounds, respectful representations of cultures, women without makeup, you name it.

For some nights, for sure, cliches are just want we want to go for – then it’s time again to break them up.

Does anybody else have public collections?

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did…

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did…

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did it go well! Our first session left us with a fantastic cast, a really cool, creepy setting, and some looming menaces. I’m here to talk about the menaces.

The first session saw the appearance of two factions: The Serpentine’s snake-aristocracy parents, and the Ghoul’s tentacular patron in the lake. It’s been established that these factions are fighting, or at least competing for sacrifices, but I haven’t figured out what to do with them.

Before next session I’d like to have a better idea of how to use these. I tried working out a menace sheet but I can’t seem to get a good sense of what this conflict is about (power, probably?), what the stakes are, or, most importantly, what their MOs are.

Any advice?