Hi folks

Hi folks

Hi folks,

The small group of RPer’s I’m a part of is running a “one shot invitational” to get some more of the community at large in Iowa City involved in our effort to tell awesome stories with awesome people in person. I have elected to run “A Red and Pleasant Land,” but I want to convert it into Dungeon World. I am currently making my way through with scribbles all along the margins and having a great time, but I wanted to ask for a bit of sage advice from you grizzled vets:

were there any particular parts that were difficult to transition ARPL over to DW? Anything I should avoid within the parameters of a one shot?

or perhaps, was there a particular sticking point that you wish you would have known going in that you only puzzled out after the fact?

Thanks so much, you folks are a gem (a very rare and glowing one that spells doom for all!!!) !!!!




Hello! I just wanted to make a small post, a spout about how amazing Dungeon World is… mostly because today we had one member have to drop out of our “long-term” campaign due to sickness ( for jokes sake, the “long-term is about 5 weeks) and so we played a one shot made up on the spot. I think it is safe to say that we laughed the hardest we have ever laughed and it reminded me how much my group is trying for the highest highs while never forgetting our silliest base moments. Mostly in-part this might be an advertisement for the Dashing Hero class which proved to be endless source of fun for myself as the DM, as well as our players. Also, this might just be an Ad for Discern Realities and the work they do providing us with amazing content (ideas) on a regular basis.

Cheers all! May your dungeons be bright!