Has anyone tried running an OSR megadungeon like Barrowmaze with Dungeon World or one of its variants (World of…

Has anyone tried running an OSR megadungeon like Barrowmaze with Dungeon World or one of its variants (World of…

Has anyone tried running an OSR megadungeon like Barrowmaze with Dungeon World or one of its variants (World of Dungeons or Freebooters on the Frontier)?

Has anybody tried running Dungeon World stuff with other PbtA systems?

Has anybody tried running Dungeon World stuff with other PbtA systems?

Has anybody tried running Dungeon World stuff with other PbtA systems? Like, I’ve got a bunch of DW starters/setting materials that I’d like to use with my daughter, but for some reason the direction the DW moves push you doesn’t really do it for me (probably the emphasis on combat), so I was thinking of running DW material with Legend of the Elements. On first glance that doesn’t seem particularly difficult, but am I missing some potential stumbling points?

So I don’t know why every dice roller on iOS doesn’t already have this feature, but here is a collection of iMessage…

So I don’t know why every dice roller on iOS doesn’t already have this feature, but here is a collection of iMessage…

So I don’t know why every dice roller on iOS doesn’t already have this feature, but here is a collection of iMessage apps that let you roll polyhedral dice in iMessage. I assume there must be similar things for Android. It’s primitive, but it seems like it would be possible to run a low-key play-by-message game with something like this, particularly if it’s PbtA. Has anyone experimented with such a thing? It seems like duet play would work well in such a format.
