Hey – is there a generic indy game that handles cross genre stuff?
Hey – is there a generic indy game that handles cross genre stuff?
Jesse Donavan Edmond was talking about running a Banestorm inspired campaign over in the Misdirected Mark community. But that’s a GURPS setting; and my days of running GURPS are probably behind me.
The idea of Banestorm is that there is a parallel world that is a standard fantasy world. The drow tried to cast a spell to send all orcs to another dimension. But that backfired (surprise); and now there’s this dimensional storm that picks up individuals from Earth and deposits them throughout this fantasy land. So it’s this cool amalgam of human medieval cultures and fantasy.
Like Jesse, I’d like to move the timeline forward a bit and have a group of modern folks pulled into this setting. Maybe they are all on a bus or something.
Any thoughts on a game like this that already exists that’s got a looser set of rules?
My thinking of what the characters would do:
They would be a ragtag band of folks randomly thrown together trying to either a) figure out how to get back b) figure out how to survive or c) figure out how to thrive – or all three.
It sort of sounds like Apocalypse World, except immediately after the apocalypse…
Maybe FATE? Does FATE do gritty well?