Ahoy Gauntleteers!

Ahoy Gauntleteers!

Ahoy Gauntleteers!

I’ve created the first public release version of my PbtA one-shot competitive RP game named With Friends Like These…


The drive contains the PDF with game rules and character sheets as a well as a public document to leave comments.

The PCs are trapped on a damaged ship on a collision course to imminent death. While they try to survive, they wrangle with their twisted social dynamics and the players fight to have the most XP.

WFLT is inspired by games like Fiasco and Everyone is John. I got the idea for this after listening to the One-Shot podcasts of Everyone is John and Everyone is Joker:




It’s been playtested, tweaked, but is by no means final. If anyone plays it, I’d love to read your comments and suggestions. Anything’s up for change.



Hello all Dungeon Worlders!

Hello all Dungeon Worlders!

Hello all Dungeon Worlders!

I’ve been muddling away at a piece of software for those DW GMs who use Mac OS X. Here’s the link to a publicly-editable Google drive folder that contains the DMG and a document to leave comments in:


This is a pre-alpha release of the software but some major features work already. If you decide to play with it or generate some content with it, please do leave bug reports/feature requests in the Doc in the folder. You can also feel free to upload anything you feel is related to improving the program.

Also, if you think this post belongs somewhere else, please do reshare it!

Thanks for your time!
