Has the Gauntlet decided where to go from here?
The Fate Core community on G+ tested MeWe, but after a pair of weeks some of us found it lacking.
We are currently testing pashpost, and while it’s a much greener site when it comes to groups, the developers are really responsive and started adjusting things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still green, but form example markup formatting is coming up next week at our request. So not perfect but improving. And it already handles email notifications like g+ does, which is a big plus for me.
We have created our own forums. They will be launching very soon.
Jason Cordova what will those forums be like on mobile?
Thanks for asking. I was wondering.
Joshua Hillerup They will be Discourse based. So if you check out any other Discourse based forums (https://www.discourse.org/customers) you’ll get a feel for how it works on mobile. There is a Discourse app for the main mobile platforms, but at least on android, I have found it best to just save the page as an app on the homescreen.
discourse.org – Discourse customers
Shane Liebling thanks! After a quick look that seems usable enough.
good to know, I use discord, but I don’t connect to it that often.
Gustavo Campanelli Discourse, not Discord. I got confused at first as well.
oh, like the Eve online forums, I see.
Does anyone need exports of their communities?