Holy heck, I’m so late this month. But! You’re all here, and you remain awesome!
Together we’re crowdsourcing the miscellany for Codex – Joy 2. This miscellany is called “Three Dozen Local Holidays and Celebrations.” Submissions need to be a single sentence, or 2-3 short sentences. By submitting here, you’re agreeing to let us use it (you’ll get a credit on the issue). We’re looking for evocative things; the purpose of the miscellany is to inspire the reader.
Here are some examples:
“Every year, folk hero Faina the False’s clever victory over the Hollow King’s army is commemorated with carved gourd soldiers and a fiercely competitive contest of tall tales. Expect no one participating in the festivities to speak a word of truth.”
“The last brief daylight before the dark winter months at Terminus Base used to be observed somberly, but it’s morphed into a day-long party with round-the-clock simulated daylight hiding the final sunset, generous alcohol rations, and no shortage of bad decisions.”
“The Velaris Belt is mostly uninhabited, but every third year it comes alive as the site of the former Kallix Company’s reunion. They gather in a swarm of mismatched ships to swap stories, revel in each other’s presence, and salute the ones who couldn’t return.”
P.S. If you want to be credited by something other than your G+ name, let me know!
In the remote village most people left for a new world. When they go, likely to never return, the villagers take a cast of their face. Once a year they gather, donning the masks of the people they are missing, performing a play of how they imagine the better lives of their loved ones abroad.
In the remote village most people left for a new world. When they go, likely to never return, the villagers take a cast of their face. Once a year they gather, donning the masks of the people they are missing, performing a play of how they imagine the better lives of their loved ones abroad.
Every changing of the seasons, the children of the villages gather together and run through the Shrouded Woods to the Albedon River and bathe in it’s waters. Those who do not return are considered adopted by the forest, and are venerated as spirits.
Every changing of the seasons, the children of the villages gather together and run through the Shrouded Woods to the Albedon River and bathe in it’s waters. Those who do not return are considered adopted by the forest, and are venerated as spirits.
Once per year, under a full moon, the White Hordes – the white furred ghost animals of the mountains – stampede through the village of Toliman to drawn themselves in the lake guaranteeing another year of fertile fields. People gather in their homes with candle light and listen to the sound. Dare you, to leave your home that night.
Once per year, under a full moon, the White Hordes – the white furred ghost animals of the mountains – stampede through the village of Toliman to drawn themselves in the lake guaranteeing another year of fertile fields. People gather in their homes with candle light and listen to the sound. Dare you, to leave your home that night.
Weedreap, the annual halfling festival that celebrates the end of the cultivation cycle for pipe weed. Typically taking place on the twentieth day of the fourth month of the harvest calendar, it is the rare festival that becomes more sedate as the evening wears on. The ideas, art, and music that come out of this festival are studied and refined by the community over the ensuing year.
Weedreap, the annual halfling festival that celebrates the end of the cultivation cycle for pipe weed. Typically taking place on the twentieth day of the fourth month of the harvest calendar, it is the rare festival that becomes more sedate as the evening wears on. The ideas, art, and music that come out of this festival are studied and refined by the community over the ensuing year.
A period of utmost serenity precedes the festival of the King of Winter Gold. Not until the king’s surrogate hands the last crumb of gold to the least peasant is silence broken and the streets filled with joyous light, laughter and song.
A period of utmost serenity precedes the festival of the King of Winter Gold. Not until the king’s surrogate hands the last crumb of gold to the least peasant is silence broken and the streets filled with joyous light, laughter and song.
The town of Harvest Valley is small and quiet, except for the 3rd day of Winter. All the local come to the old well in the center of town, and scream their hate and regrets into the darkness. Sometimes, they come back with a new one in trade.
The town of Harvest Valley is small and quiet, except for the 3rd day of Winter. All the local come to the old well in the center of town, and scream their hate and regrets into the darkness. Sometimes, they come back with a new one in trade.
Every hundred years the mountain god who destroyed the world gets angry and pulls the stars from the sky to scorch the land. Those that survive and can withstand the radioactive fallout celebrate in their caves by telling stories of the old world before great Whi-Tokay went mad.
Every hundred years the mountain god who destroyed the world gets angry and pulls the stars from the sky to scorch the land. Those that survive and can withstand the radioactive fallout celebrate in their caves by telling stories of the old world before great Whi-Tokay went mad.
The Festival of St. Formic commemorates the day the good Saint drove the crop-devouring locust swarms from Pike Fork. With them went all the birds, and all the predators that ate the birds, but never mind that. It’s still a good excuse to drink too much mead and dance around with leather bug wings tied to your back.
The Festival of St. Formic commemorates the day the good Saint drove the crop-devouring locust swarms from Pike Fork. With them went all the birds, and all the predators that ate the birds, but never mind that. It’s still a good excuse to drink too much mead and dance around with leather bug wings tied to your back.
Only during migration season do the ravens speak the words of Man. Twice a year, the faithful of each village honor the passing of the unkindness with a week of silence, listening for the names of their loved ones, while the faithless perform raucous unkindnesses of their own.
Only during migration season do the ravens speak the words of Man. Twice a year, the faithful of each village honor the passing of the unkindness with a week of silence, listening for the names of their loved ones, while the faithless perform raucous unkindnesses of their own.
The best way to enjoy the Bubble Festival is to not overthink the Bubble Festival. Grab your bubble wand, dip it in the barrels, and run as fast as you can past the other kids, parents and grandparents, singing at the top of your lungs. Wear good shoes.
The best way to enjoy the Bubble Festival is to not overthink the Bubble Festival. Grab your bubble wand, dip it in the barrels, and run as fast as you can past the other kids, parents and grandparents, singing at the top of your lungs. Wear good shoes.
In the university town of Allansford the end of the academic year is commemorated by The King’s Procession, a festival in which a student is appointed “The King of Knowledge” by their peers and, very drunk and clad in a loincloth, cape, and fantastical crown, leads a procession of students through the town who ask the townsfolk perplexing questions from their textbooks and beat them with the weighty tomes when they inevitably offer the wrong answers, all to the accompaniment of raucous laughter and applause from the King. The custom is widely denounced but carries on as dictated by tradition.
In the university town of Allansford the end of the academic year is commemorated by The King’s Procession, a festival in which a student is appointed “The King of Knowledge” by their peers and, very drunk and clad in a loincloth, cape, and fantastical crown, leads a procession of students through the town who ask the townsfolk perplexing questions from their textbooks and beat them with the weighty tomes when they inevitably offer the wrong answers, all to the accompaniment of raucous laughter and applause from the King. The custom is widely denounced but carries on as dictated by tradition.
Weddings in the province of Kithrik imitate the nature of the local penguins, who mate for life. A single large dance circle is formed with the most energetic dancing at it’s center and people on the edges receiving drinks and leaning on resting sticks decorated for the occasion. Sitting down before midnight curses the marriage for years to come.
Weddings in the province of Kithrik imitate the nature of the local penguins, who mate for life. A single large dance circle is formed with the most energetic dancing at it’s center and people on the edges receiving drinks and leaning on resting sticks decorated for the occasion. Sitting down before midnight curses the marriage for years to come.
Every five years the moon rises in the valley between the two cliffs and bathes the village of Hollow in its light. This is the day the old are revered, feasted, and pass on from this world to the lands of starlight.
Every five years the moon rises in the valley between the two cliffs and bathes the village of Hollow in its light. This is the day the old are revered, feasted, and pass on from this world to the lands of starlight.
Kyle Thompson – widely denounced but carries on as dictated by tradition
Kyle Thompson – widely denounced but carries on as dictated by tradition
The ConHugeCo facilities and maintenance division mostly hires temps, hires a lot of them, and is very liberal with who they accept; cons, drug addicts, everyone the world throws away can find a job here. A fresh hiring push usually comes after the winter holidays; the Feast of the Dying Sun reaps the bulk of this pool of employees. Throughout the work year, FacMaint staff are secretly scrutinized, ranked, and those to be reaped are chosen; the ConHugeCo Catechism v6.6.6 indicates sun will only return if sufficient souls of pure spirit are given over to the Dark Lord on an annual basis.
(Inspired by Kyle Thompson’s great entry.)
The ConHugeCo facilities and maintenance division mostly hires temps, hires a lot of them, and is very liberal with who they accept; cons, drug addicts, everyone the world throws away can find a job here. A fresh hiring push usually comes after the winter holidays; the Feast of the Dying Sun reaps the bulk of this pool of employees. Throughout the work year, FacMaint staff are secretly scrutinized, ranked, and those to be reaped are chosen; the ConHugeCo Catechism v6.6.6 indicates sun will only return if sufficient souls of pure spirit are given over to the Dark Lord on an annual basis.
(Inspired by Kyle Thompson’s great entry.)
When the fifth child born under the stars of Cygnus came into the world, the soldiers met each other in no-mans-land to declare ceasefire and celebrate. Then the soldiers went home, and celebrated with their spouses and conceived new children. The soldiers grew old and then died, their bodies burned on giant celebratory pyres, honouring the Fifth Child of the Fifth Star.
When the fifth child born under the stars of Cygnus died, the children picked up their parent’s weapons. They met in no-mans-land to acknowledge the end of the holiday. They looked down their fathers’ sights, and they pulled their mothers’ triggers. The stars of Cygnus had set.
When the fifth child born under the stars of Cygnus came into the world, the soldiers met each other in no-mans-land to declare ceasefire and celebrate. Then the soldiers went home, and celebrated with their spouses and conceived new children. The soldiers grew old and then died, their bodies burned on giant celebratory pyres, honouring the Fifth Child of the Fifth Star.
When the fifth child born under the stars of Cygnus died, the children picked up their parent’s weapons. They met in no-mans-land to acknowledge the end of the holiday. They looked down their fathers’ sights, and they pulled their mothers’ triggers. The stars of Cygnus had set.
Sidney Icarus Extremely metal
Sidney Icarus Extremely metal
Every eleven years on his birthday the king of the dwarves takes to the streets in beggars garb. Every noble house opens its doors to all the needy hopping to earn favor by displaying their great generosity. This event has transformed into a festival where many skilled beard-smiths offer their services freely so that everyone walks around with richly shaped and decorated facial hair.
Every eleven years on his birthday the king of the dwarves takes to the streets in beggars garb. Every noble house opens its doors to all the needy hopping to earn favor by displaying their great generosity. This event has transformed into a festival where many skilled beard-smiths offer their services freely so that everyone walks around with richly shaped and decorated facial hair.
Every year a village near a big Mountain, called Mt. Graveyard, celebrates the Demonfall.
According to the legend there was a temple of the Demongod and it was destroied by the goddess of light via an avalanche. But what the people of the village does not know is that the celebration keeps up the seal to hold the Demongod in his temple.
Every year a village near a big Mountain, called Mt. Graveyard, celebrates the Demonfall.
According to the legend there was a temple of the Demongod and it was destroied by the goddess of light via an avalanche. But what the people of the village does not know is that the celebration keeps up the seal to hold the Demongod in his temple.
The first extrasolar colonies were a crucial but ultimately failed step toward faster-than-light travel. Now, the human colonies of Messier 81 celebrate each time they receive a transmission originating from the Milky Way, broadcast long before the Messier mission launch, each one a connection to the cradle left behind.
The first extrasolar colonies were a crucial but ultimately failed step toward faster-than-light travel. Now, the human colonies of Messier 81 celebrate each time they receive a transmission originating from the Milky Way, broadcast long before the Messier mission launch, each one a connection to the cradle left behind.
On the longest day of the year, they gather in the towns of their grandparents, bringing with them a novel that each has written. In the circle, around the evening fire, they pass their novel to the person on their left, then read in silence until dawn. After, they toss the books into the fire and never speak of what they have read.
On the longest day of the year, they gather in the towns of their grandparents, bringing with them a novel that each has written. In the circle, around the evening fire, they pass their novel to the person on their left, then read in silence until dawn. After, they toss the books into the fire and never speak of what they have read.
The last days of the harvest are held most sacred to the fertility cult of Aruun Ba’hoh. Young couples are afforded the highest degree of comfort and privacy by the village for two weeks. A corresponding collective birthing and birthday celebration is held in late spring.
The last days of the harvest are held most sacred to the fertility cult of Aruun Ba’hoh. Young couples are afforded the highest degree of comfort and privacy by the village for two weeks. A corresponding collective birthing and birthday celebration is held in late spring.
The Starchildren of 45-42-187.9 request sacrifices in kind for their benevolent annexation of Starsystem 45-42. All objects and citizens cast into the fiery surface of red dwarf 187.4 will be carefully considered.
The Starchildren of 45-42-187.9 request sacrifices in kind for their benevolent annexation of Starsystem 45-42. All objects and citizens cast into the fiery surface of red dwarf 187.4 will be carefully considered.
Paint it red and make it clean. / Drive the cattle and feed the sween. / Lock the doors and drain the ‘treen. / Klic is coming and make it clean.
Paint it red and make it clean. / Drive the cattle and feed the sween. / Lock the doors and drain the ‘treen. / Klic is coming and make it clean.
The Loudest Sound You Can Ever Hear (here, we use the Smithwich translation, although Trapper’s “The Near-deafening” feels equally valid) is held on the island of Trem in the Bleest Archipelago on the fourth day of the nineteenth cycle. You are blessed proportionally to the loudness of the ringing in your ears. Putting your hands over your ears thereafter lets you hear the faint messages of Blome.
The Loudest Sound You Can Ever Hear (here, we use the Smithwich translation, although Trapper’s “The Near-deafening” feels equally valid) is held on the island of Trem in the Bleest Archipelago on the fourth day of the nineteenth cycle. You are blessed proportionally to the loudness of the ringing in your ears. Putting your hands over your ears thereafter lets you hear the faint messages of Blome.
Thanks so much for letting us take Hank out tonight. He didn’t talk about it at all, which I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Can we do it again next year? Make a “thing” of it?
Thanks so much for letting us take Hank out tonight. He didn’t talk about it at all, which I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Can we do it again next year? Make a “thing” of it?
Slade Stolar – I want to know how they measure that subjective experience of ringingnenss! That’s a very cool idea to ponder.
Slade Stolar – I want to know how they measure that subjective experience of ringingnenss! That’s a very cool idea to ponder.
Robert Bohl I assume they brag and argue about it… loudly.
Robert Bohl I assume they brag and argue about it… loudly.
Can you hear the wild howling noises in the forest? That’s the Orleighs. Their ancestor Margret was tried and hanged for being a werewolf a while ago, and during the 70s her hippie great-great-granddaughter made it a family tradition to run naked through the forest, howl and generally frighten the hiking tourists.
The Festival of Saint Zombu is not really traditional, but it’s kinda funny watching everyone lurch around with grave earth on their faces. Just don’t get bitten by one of them.
In a tiny village on France’s rainy west coast they have been holding a waiting ceremony since the middle ages. Legend says that a boat came from far beyond the sea, with people dressed in feathers and adorned with gold. And one day, they promised, they will return.
And then there is this really strange ride at the Oktoberfest. You can only find it if you’re drunk on beer from the Weissingerzelt, and if you do, it can take you anywhere you want to be. Anywhere.
Can you hear the wild howling noises in the forest? That’s the Orleighs. Their ancestor Margret was tried and hanged for being a werewolf a while ago, and during the 70s her hippie great-great-granddaughter made it a family tradition to run naked through the forest, howl and generally frighten the hiking tourists.
The Festival of Saint Zombu is not really traditional, but it’s kinda funny watching everyone lurch around with grave earth on their faces. Just don’t get bitten by one of them.
In a tiny village on France’s rainy west coast they have been holding a waiting ceremony since the middle ages. Legend says that a boat came from far beyond the sea, with people dressed in feathers and adorned with gold. And one day, they promised, they will return.
And then there is this really strange ride at the Oktoberfest. You can only find it if you’re drunk on beer from the Weissingerzelt, and if you do, it can take you anywhere you want to be. Anywhere.
Sabine V I rode that ride and ended up precisely where I started it, so it checks out 🙂
Sabine V I rode that ride and ended up precisely where I started it, so it checks out 🙂
The Day of the Pit! Come to the village of St. Honnileghe and celebrate its unique feature from dawn to dusk. Show off your best wares by giving them up to infinite depths! Show off your mettle in the “Fill the Pit” shoveling contest! Challenge your skill in the woodcarving contest—just be ready to embrace the fleeting nature of beauty, for after judging entries are summarily thrown into the Pit, in reverse order of excellence! The grand prize winner’s ceremonious deposit closes off the festival, reminding all to embrace the wonders of this life while they can.
The Day of the Pit! Come to the village of St. Honnileghe and celebrate its unique feature from dawn to dusk. Show off your best wares by giving them up to infinite depths! Show off your mettle in the “Fill the Pit” shoveling contest! Challenge your skill in the woodcarving contest—just be ready to embrace the fleeting nature of beauty, for after judging entries are summarily thrown into the Pit, in reverse order of excellence! The grand prize winner’s ceremonious deposit closes off the festival, reminding all to embrace the wonders of this life while they can.
The Academics on the expedition craft Impropriety are speeding their way through interstellar travel toward reuniting with another splinter of the human species, and while their contactor vessel allows them to beat the speed of light, it still takes months and years. To speed the time, and inspired by the name of their craft, the expedition have decided to swap out members of their polycules throughout the journey, culminating in a Resorting Faire. Just before the ship arrives in the new solar system, the Faire will be a raucous party celebrating the new lover-groups that the try-outs engaged in over the passage to the new star afforded them.
(For Joshua A.C. Newman’s out-of-print Shock: Human Contact, and inspired by a Daniel Swensen post.)
The Academics on the expedition craft Impropriety are speeding their way through interstellar travel toward reuniting with another splinter of the human species, and while their contactor vessel allows them to beat the speed of light, it still takes months and years. To speed the time, and inspired by the name of their craft, the expedition have decided to swap out members of their polycules throughout the journey, culminating in a Resorting Faire. Just before the ship arrives in the new solar system, the Faire will be a raucous party celebrating the new lover-groups that the try-outs engaged in over the passage to the new star afforded them.
(For Joshua A.C. Newman’s out-of-print Shock: Human Contact, and inspired by a Daniel Swensen post.)
Some things are catching, you know. The Plague. Tuberculosis. Lice. Yawning. That stupid song about being breathless. Fashion Fads. And the Eternal Festival of Bembelwine and Applemain, which is passing around the world. Rumor says that it started out in a small town in rural Hessen in Europe, but it has been seen as far away as Kyoto or Valparaiso. It mainly consists of singing traditional songs about the lateness of the hour, drinking dry bubbly cider from weirdly shaped tankards and dancing gently but enthusiatically. This Festival never seems to stop, it just moves from person to person, leaving survivors headachy and with a longing for forests.
Some things are catching, you know. The Plague. Tuberculosis. Lice. Yawning. That stupid song about being breathless. Fashion Fads. And the Eternal Festival of Bembelwine and Applemain, which is passing around the world. Rumor says that it started out in a small town in rural Hessen in Europe, but it has been seen as far away as Kyoto or Valparaiso. It mainly consists of singing traditional songs about the lateness of the hour, drinking dry bubbly cider from weirdly shaped tankards and dancing gently but enthusiatically. This Festival never seems to stop, it just moves from person to person, leaving survivors headachy and with a longing for forests.
The Celebration of Shared Imagination takes place only on the patio of a local bar in Houston. There’s no announcement, but those that know of it feel the pull, and come together to birth a new world each and every time. Most go home afterwards, but a few leave with the creation, taking the Celebration rites with them.
The Celebration of Shared Imagination takes place only on the patio of a local bar in Houston. There’s no announcement, but those that know of it feel the pull, and come together to birth a new world each and every time. Most go home afterwards, but a few leave with the creation, taking the Celebration rites with them.
And that’s it for this month. Thanks everybody!
And that’s it for this month. Thanks everybody!