The newest episodes of Children of the Eight-Legged She are in the We Hunt the Keepers!

The newest episodes of Children of the Eight-Legged She are in the We Hunt the Keepers!

The newest episodes of Children of the Eight-Legged She are in the We Hunt the Keepers! podcast feed. Episode 03 marks the conclusion of the Caspian Gal prelude story and Episode 04 sees our party beginning their trek to the Forest of the Grey Rangers (brownie points if you can guess where I stole that name from). They might have taken a slight detour to engage in some light human trafficking. Fraser Simons says if we’re assigning blame for that, it belongs squarely with Gerrit Reininghaus and Arcon. And yet… no one stopped them.

Don’t forget: the entire series is available in our $2+ Patreon feed! If you need more WHtK! in your life right now, that’s a great place to go.


4 thoughts on “The newest episodes of Children of the Eight-Legged She are in the We Hunt the Keepers!”

  1. Great stuff.

    This series is an enjoyable study in different player styles, and how they gel together (and with the GM). Hemet is very forward about framing his scenes! I like it.

    I was also interested in the pacing of the Caspian Gal prelude story; I always find my instinct on a miss is to reach for escalation (the guards intervene and now you must fight them, the host is suspicious of you and now you must sneak around), so it was a good case study to see how Jason kept the party prelude moving at a fast clip despite a few misses being rolled.

  2. Great stuff.

    This series is an enjoyable study in different player styles, and how they gel together (and with the GM). Hemet is very forward about framing his scenes! I like it.

    I was also interested in the pacing of the Caspian Gal prelude story; I always find my instinct on a miss is to reach for escalation (the guards intervene and now you must fight them, the host is suspicious of you and now you must sneak around), so it was a good case study to see how Jason kept the party prelude moving at a fast clip despite a few misses being rolled.

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