I’m thrilled to announce the first episode of a new series on Comic Strip AP.

I’m thrilled to announce the first episode of a new series on Comic Strip AP.

I’m thrilled to announce the first episode of a new series on Comic Strip AP. The one and only MadJay Brown is running Coriolis !

You really neeeed to check this out. Sci-fi action, excitement, a meaty story, and the way Jay runs this game is amazing!


Samir Kanaan, ex-Legionnaire, gunner for the Narzalus

Nima Dol-Soufi, pilot of the Narzalus

Dr. Armita Wana, archaeologist and captain

Taba, a familiar Legionnaire


Samir and the Legion (00:24)

R&R on Algol (03:04)

Run for It (07:02)

Deep Trouble (11:00)

Music Used:

Intro/Outro Music: Twist & Science by Damscray

Incidental music found on tabletopaudio.com

The Episode: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/comic-strip-ap/coriolis-the-colonels-legacy-01

28 thoughts on “I’m thrilled to announce the first episode of a new series on Comic Strip AP.”

  1. Folks, if you’ve been waiting to jump on the Comic Strip AP bandwagon, if you’ve been juggling your time between several different podcasts and have put this feed on the back burner, this is the series to pay attention to and set aside just a tiny portion of your bandwidth for. You’ll thank me later.

  2. Folks, if you’ve been waiting to jump on the Comic Strip AP bandwagon, if you’ve been juggling your time between several different podcasts and have put this feed on the back burner, this is the series to pay attention to and set aside just a tiny portion of your bandwidth for. You’ll thank me later.

  3. You’re off to a great start! 1) I like MadJay Brown ‘s GM style and he has a very nice voice. 2) I appreciate Richard Rogers accents in these games… as someone who’s just trying to get rid of MY accent when speaking english, I totally respect the effort 😀 3) Niiiice music. 4) Rich is rolling true to form. Embrace the failure. Own it. It’s glorious!

  4. You’re off to a great start! 1) I like MadJay Brown ‘s GM style and he has a very nice voice. 2) I appreciate Richard Rogers accents in these games… as someone who’s just trying to get rid of MY accent when speaking english, I totally respect the effort 😀 3) Niiiice music. 4) Rich is rolling true to form. Embrace the failure. Own it. It’s glorious!

  5. Rich needs to try the 2D20 system from Modiphius (Conan, StarTrek, Infinity). You’re looking to roll natural 1’s on those D20’s there! 😛 (although I guess the polarity on Rich’s dice would immediately reverse and it’d be 19-20’s all the way down…)

  6. Rich needs to try the 2D20 system from Modiphius (Conan, StarTrek, Infinity). You’re looking to roll natural 1’s on those D20’s there! 😛 (although I guess the polarity on Rich’s dice would immediately reverse and it’d be 19-20’s all the way down…)

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