I rolled 2D6 plus my CHA modifier, for a result of ‘9.’ That’s how many dreams I get to pass out this week.

I rolled 2D6 plus my CHA modifier, for a result of ‘9.’ That’s how many dreams I get to pass out this week.

I rolled 2D6 plus my CHA modifier, for a result of ‘9.’ That’s how many dreams I get to pass out this week.

A dream for Aniket Schneider, for being a consistently awesome player.

Two dreams, one each for Jacob Densford and Tim B, who are doing awesome things with their local Meetups, and who I think are the future of the Gauntlet.

A dream for this month’s Monster of the Week players, who are consistently knocking stuff out of the park.

A dream for Richard Rogers, because he fucking gets it.

A dream for Oli Jeffery, who erased the doubt I’ve been having about Codex.

A dream for Kuki the blink dog, who teleported into my heart, and is now too scared to get down.

A dream for Saffire Rainbo, whose catbear noise on this week’s PSP made me giggle.

A dream for Houston Gauntlet, who are still killing it from week-to-week, even though most of the old gang is gone.

Bonus dream for Jeremy Strandberg, for this excellent Dungeon World post: https://plus.google.com/+JeremyStrandberg/posts/UmkNysVCUk2

Do you have any dreams to give, purrmaids?

46 thoughts on “I rolled 2D6 plus my CHA modifier, for a result of ‘9.’ That’s how many dreams I get to pass out this week.”

  1. Aniket Schneider, your Dungeon World Wizard Halwyr is such a magnificent bastard. He’s so deeply hateable, but is also strangely sympathetic. You do a great job of walking that line.

  2. Aniket Schneider, your Dungeon World Wizard Halwyr is such a magnificent bastard. He’s so deeply hateable, but is also strangely sympathetic. You do a great job of walking that line.

  3. Any of the players in the games I’ve run thus far. Some are newbs, some are veterans and I’m the newb to them. Every one of them thus far has been fun and supportive and friendly.

  4. Any of the players in the games I’ve run thus far. Some are newbs, some are veterans and I’m the newb to them. Every one of them thus far has been fun and supportive and friendly.

  5. Saffire Rainbo makes the best animal noises and my soul is better for it as I hear them over and over. They never get old or lose their medicinal value. It’s a damn crime if anyone of them ends up on the PSP cutting room floor.

  6. Saffire Rainbo makes the best animal noises and my soul is better for it as I hear them over and over. They never get old or lose their medicinal value. It’s a damn crime if anyone of them ends up on the PSP cutting room floor.

  7. A Dream to Jason Cordova​ and Saffire Rainbo​. I was flicking through G+ after 8 hours in hospital with my daughter after a rather nasty swing/head impact incident and she spotted the Lisa Frank picture and thankfully could do a more in depth search. I suspect now I’ve agreed to about 10 posters for her bedroom!

  8. A Dream to Jason Cordova​ and Saffire Rainbo​. I was flicking through G+ after 8 hours in hospital with my daughter after a rather nasty swing/head impact incident and she spotted the Lisa Frank picture and thankfully could do a more in depth search. I suspect now I’ve agreed to about 10 posters for her bedroom!

  9. Edit – Rainbow Gulag was one of the titles in the article Jason Cordova​ posted… Wow Rainbow Gulag – there’s an RP concept in that somewhere or at least an artist should try creating it … Often with Raindrops and rose and be-whiskered kittens there’s a dark half… 

  10. Edit – Rainbow Gulag was one of the titles in the article Jason Cordova​ posted… Wow Rainbow Gulag – there’s an RP concept in that somewhere or at least an artist should try creating it … Often with Raindrops and rose and be-whiskered kittens there’s a dark half… 

  11. Saffire Rainbo​ I might look into getting one of the backpacks for next year – she’ll be the envy of her peers for sure! Import tax and crappy exchange rates be damned! #massivelyoftopicbutthanksallthesame

  12. Saffire Rainbo​ I might look into getting one of the backpacks for next year – she’ll be the envy of her peers for sure! Import tax and crappy exchange rates be damned! #massivelyoftopicbutthanksallthesame

  13. Saffire Rainbo Yeah, I actually read it some months ago, so my memory is fuzzy. I just remember thinking it was a very bleak contrast with, you know, Lisa Frank the Brand.

  14. Saffire Rainbo Yeah, I actually read it some months ago, so my memory is fuzzy. I just remember thinking it was a very bleak contrast with, you know, Lisa Frank the Brand.

  15. I just want to send out a mass dream to the Gauntlet community and podcasters. I have been following the podcast for a few months and more recently the community here on G+. You guys and gals are awesome and the fellowship I see on here is inspiring! Just keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re doing it right.

  16. I just want to send out a mass dream to the Gauntlet community and podcasters. I have been following the podcast for a few months and more recently the community here on G+. You guys and gals are awesome and the fellowship I see on here is inspiring! Just keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re doing it right.

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