Finishing up my “Soul Eater” for my DW campaign. Can’t wait to set him out against my players!

Finishing up my “Soul Eater” for my DW campaign. Can’t wait to set him out against my players!

Finishing up my “Soul Eater” for my DW campaign. Can’t wait to set him out against my players!

4 thoughts on “Finishing up my “Soul Eater” for my DW campaign. Can’t wait to set him out against my players!”

  1. May I say, well done, and creepy as hell at the same time.  For some reason, I want to go eat a pound of crab’s legs, just to make sure this guy knows what I’m capable of.

  2. May I say, well done, and creepy as hell at the same time.  For some reason, I want to go eat a pound of crab’s legs, just to make sure this guy knows what I’m capable of.

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