I’ve been meaning to post these pictures for awhile now, but moving cross country has kinda taken a lot of my focus.

I’ve been meaning to post these pictures for awhile now, but moving cross country has kinda taken a lot of my focus.

I’ve been meaning to post these pictures for awhile now, but moving cross country has kinda taken a lot of my focus. Now I finally have a moment.

Shortly before packing up all our stuff and driving up to Boston, my fiance and I managed to squeeze in a game of The Quiet Year. We told a story about a community living in a forest near a stream. However, the frequent and intense thunderstorms made building and maintaining shelter impossible. This, combined with dark magic practitioners learning forbidden arts from a nearby necropolis of an ancient civilization, howling beasts in the surrounding forest, and economic pressure from a village not far away lead to a difficult year

Despite all these factors working against our community, we managed to survive until the arrival of the Frost Shepards (as all games of The Quiet Year end). Our community managed to create a symbiotic relationship with the village, spending winters there only to travel back to the thunderstorm plagued forest in the spring. We exiled the cultists and destroyed their forces when they came back seeking revenge. We even managed to domesticate the forest beasts All told, it was a very busy year.

The plan now is to take this map and use it as a basis for communal world building with Further Afield, Questlandia, The Perilous Wilds, and Microscope and finally adventure in this world with Dungeon World.

Also, our dog Griffin did his best to contribute.

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