Last night for Friday One-Shots we played Jake Richmond ‘s Ocean.

Last night for Friday One-Shots we played Jake Richmond ‘s Ocean.

Last night for Friday One-Shots we played Jake Richmond ‘s Ocean. In this one, you play a group of amnesiacs who wake up in the middle of an underwater research facility that has a monster roaming around in it. You have to explore the facility and gradually piece-together information about yourselves, the facility, and the monster – all while looking for a way out. It was a good little game!

Thanks to Rob Ferguson Daniel Lewis and Derek Grimm !

12 thoughts on “Last night for Friday One-Shots we played Jake Richmond ‘s Ocean.”

  1. This one looked like it would be really nifty. I snagged it in one of the recent Bundle of Holding offerings and read through it. Looks like alot of fun. Any recommendations to make the most of the game experience?

  2. This one looked like it would be really nifty. I snagged it in one of the recent Bundle of Holding offerings and read through it. Looks like alot of fun. Any recommendations to make the most of the game experience?

  3. Sean Smith Print the item cards and skill cards that can be found on the website. Otherwise, it’s a pretty straight-forward game. There is one significant errata in the book, on page 33 of the PDF: “You may have noticed the game can end when you have collected 9 bonus dice.” That is incorrect. It should be 27 bonus dice.

  4. Sean Smith Print the item cards and skill cards that can be found on the website. Otherwise, it’s a pretty straight-forward game. There is one significant errata in the book, on page 33 of the PDF: “You may have noticed the game can end when you have collected 9 bonus dice.” That is incorrect. It should be 27 bonus dice.

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