After having some awesome feedback from Christo Meid and Phillip Wessels I have made some good progress with…

After having some awesome feedback from Christo Meid and Phillip Wessels I have made some good progress with…

After having some awesome feedback from Christo Meid and Phillip Wessels I have made some good progress with Anomalis. So here’s a short chapter digging into the components of the core theme of the game, the catastrophe. You’ll recognize them from fronts and threats from other #pbta games, but here adjusted to fit my idea of a research facility disaster. Also, this is woven into game creation, where the players collaboratively pin down the outlines of their research project and the facility.

As before, I appreciate all types of feedback!

I’ve had a game concept rattling in my brain for a little while, ever since I picked up and read #DungeonWorld, and…

I’ve had a game concept rattling in my brain for a little while, ever since I picked up and read #DungeonWorld, and…

I’ve had a game concept rattling in my brain for a little while, ever since I picked up and read #DungeonWorld, and I’m wondering if a similar #PbtA game exists already.

Back in 2E AD&D, a setting called Birthright existed – perhaps you may have heard of it? Anyway, the idea was that each player’s character was the ruler of a region. Each turn, the leader made decisions for the military, economy, and other domestic and foreign policies. Each player took their turn, and where conflict arose, dice were rolled.

Anyway, I thought that perhaps this could be made to work in a PbtA system by stitching together Dungeon World and Legacy – Life Among The Ruins. Of course, the Family moves from Legacy might have to be amped up to fit a Kingdom/Principality/Earldom/etc..

Just a thought exercise, but I’m curious if anyone had done this before, or what your thoughts may be.

Hi, folks!

Hi, folks!

Hi, folks! I found my way here by way of the Discern Realities Podcast. I searched for a Dungeon World podcast, and – Lo and Behold! – DR popped up! From there, I learned of The Gauntlet G+ community and podcast. I have much catching up to do there.

I’m currently enamored with #PbtA games, and #DungeonWorld in particular. I’ve yet to run or play one – my regular game group is on hiatus, but I love discussing RPGs in general.