What was your favorite single RPG session you participated in for 2013?
What was your favorite single RPG session you participated in for 2013? I have mine down to six (I can’t decide between them):
1) Our first session of My Life With Master, which was probably the first time I experienced genuine emotional bleed in a game (with Daniel Lewis Anthony Palermo Shea Herlihy-Abba and Rob Ferguson ).
2) Our third session of Archipelago, which was just a terrifically tight story (with Derek Grimm and two folks from the Meetup).
3. Our game of Ribbon Drive, in which the viciously sardonic back-and-forth between Dan and I was just one feature of an extremely enjoyable game (also with Rob, Shea, and James Wilder ).
4. The Dungeon World session where the party fought Old King Mermeron, Old King Abradon, and Old King Celadon (that one had Dan, Kerry Harrison , Alexander Hay , Daniel Fowler and Ian Hay ).
5. The session of Lacuna that Doyle Tavener ran, and brilliantly (also with Dan, Rob, and Ferrell Riley ).
6. The final episode of our first season of Monsterhearts, which was so insane and vile, it still gives me shivers to think about it (which had Derek, Dan, Ferrell, and Alex Camacho ).
Anyone care to share?