Hey, Y’all! I hope this is the appropriate way/place to introduce myself.

Hey, Y’all! I hope this is the appropriate way/place to introduce myself.

Hey, Y’all! I hope this is the appropriate way/place to introduce myself.

Name’s Jabari! I introduced myself a while back but since then haven’t done much beyond lurk on occasion around these parts. After meeting a decent chunk of you fine folks at GenCon this past week, I’m going to be making a concentrated effort to change that and be more involved around here!

I’m primarily an illustrator for games and supplements for games as well as speculative fiction of the fantastic variety. You can find my work at www.jmwillustration.com if you wish. I’m also dipping my toe into the waters of game design in a public capacity, and you can follow some of my machinations in that realm at www.lunarveil.press.

I’m glad to be here and I’ll try hard to not be a stranger. If you met me at Gen or outside of it, or if you just wanna say ‘hey’, absolutely give me a holler!

Best to y’all~