New GM here, and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed.

New GM here, and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed.

New GM here, and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed.

The problem, I think, is twofold: First, I’ve been GMing for ~30 years. I started with AD&D and played or ran dozens of different systems in the decades since, but most of them were the prep heavy, mechanics-based systems (even the lighter modern games like Savage Worlds.) Second, I’ve never had the chance to actually play Dungeon World. I’d really have like to sit and play in two or three sessions so as to get the concept down before trying to run it, but I’ve got the GM curse (I’m the only one in my group who runs games.)

So right now I’m trying to simultaneously:

~Hold on to the core premise of the system, which I understand intellectually, but don’t grasp instinctively yet. The idea of being unable to act except through moves, for instance, or of having to worry about ‘cheating’ as the GM. I’ve read it, I get it, but 30 years of experience gives me the feeling that I’m simultaneously hamstrung and exposed, even when it’s designed to work within that.

~Remember the actual rules of the system and how to interpret and use them.

~Overcome the sense that I’m going into this completely unprepared, as I’m used to having every eventuality laid out in front of me before I ever sit down. I’m a heavy prepper!

~Get the campaign concept itself figured out

~Remember the triggers and uses of 8 basic moves, 13 special moves, a dozen class moves, 12 GM moves, 7 dungeon moves, all filtered through 3 Agenda points and 12 Principles.

~And keeping all of the above in mind while improvising content.

My brain hurts, and I only have one more day before the game. Ugh.