Care More (possibly part of being a GGG player)
“I don’t care about ___” or “My character wouldn’t care about ___” is an unfortunately common and easy response. I make my character and you make yours, and the GM makes a plot. We focus on our character, their backstory and the way they think and can’t be expected to have an opinion on another character’s hangups or whatever is going on in that village?
But when someone (player or GM) asks you what your character thinks about ___ or what they are doing about __, it is an invitation to care about something. “I don’t care” stops the RP dead and discourages people from involving you in the future. There might be things your character focuses on and other things that they go along with because they know it is important to someone else. But saying your character doesn’t care, is not getting involved and will start paying attention when something better peaks their interest makes it look like you don’t want to play with the other players. You only care about your stuff.
You should come into the game with the assumption that your character is there because he is interested and invested in the group and whatever is going on. Even if it has been established that your characters do not get along, it should not be because they don’t care about what the other is doing. Even if you want to avoid something happening in the world, it should not be because you do not care. Even if your character is totally mercenary, it is because he cares about getting paid. Maybe there are characters who really don’t care, hardcore loners or aloof scholars, but maybe you should leave those to be NPCs and not the focus of the story.
Avoid getting so focused on what your character is doing that you essentially abandon the party. When someone asks you to care, try hard to imagine why you would. Talk to the other player for more info. Maybe they know why you would care or you can tell them what it would take to get your character to care about it. Maybe you can work together to adapt the story to be more interesting. Even if it’s not crucial to your character or there is something more interesting waiting down the road, be there for the other players. Be excited to help them move the fiction in the ways that interest them. At the very least have a conversation, have your character ask why they should care and allow the other character a chance to convince you.
Sorry for the rant.