Pics from today’s Stars Without Number Game.

Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Pics from today’s Stars Without Number Game.
Pics from today’s Stars Without Number Game.
Mini-Con Thoughts
Mini-Con Thoughts
Jason Cordova, last night during the Dragon Age one-shot, you mentioned the Gauntlet having it’s own mini-con (RPG Gauntlet on Demand) at either a local game store or other suitable venue, I like the ideal of that and would like to feedback and thoughts (and interest level) from the members about this.
I feel the urge to spend some money at DriveThru.
I feel the urge to spend some money at DriveThru. I’m going to pick-up Twenty-Four Game Poems (recommended by Stephen Crawford ). I may pick-up something from Spes Magna to be supportive (but adapt to Dungeon World, obviously).
Any other suggestions?
Some pics from Friday night’s one-shot of Dragon Age.
Some pics from Friday night’s one-shot of Dragon Age. Kudos to Kerry Harrison for putting up with NINE rowdy players.
Hello, another new joiner to The Gauntlet.
Hello, another new joiner to The Gauntlet. I started gaming somewhere around 1979 or 1980 playing my first game of Basic D&D with the Holmes and later Moldvay set. I gamed pretty heavy through the 80’s playing D&D, Star Frontiers, a very heavily “house rules” version of Gamma World, and few sessions of other stuff like Traveller, MERP, Space Opera. Gaming slowed up when most of the group ended up going to college or the Marine Corps. I did some limited gaming in the early 90’s but “retired” my dice as life got way too busy.
Recently I’ve been getting back interested in gaming again, catching up on what’s going on in gaming today, getting my wife interested in gaming, played a few scenarios of Pathfinder last year, etc. Hoping to get some table time in at Space City Con coming up soon. Any other folks going to be gaming at Space City? I know for sure I’m going to try to play my first game of Call of Cthulhu there.
If anyone is interested in playing that lives on the Northeast side humble Kingwood porter area we have a great…
If anyone is interested in playing that lives on the Northeast side humble Kingwood porter area we have a great group that plays at swords and superheroes in Kingwood. You can find us on Facebook at the Kingwood tabletop gamers.
Just got this and these games are very clever! I look forward to trying them out.
Just got this and these games are very clever! I look forward to trying them out.
Hello, Gauntlet members!
Hello, Gauntlet members! I am a recent transplant to Houston, and a long-time gamer, though I have been out of the loop for a while. Among my interests are D&D 4e, FFG’s Warhammer 40k games, World of Darkness (old and new), Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Dresden Files, and a long list of others. I am looking for a game to play in, a group to join, or just someone to discuss RPGs with. I hope to find that here, so thanks for having me!
This was a couple weeks ago in the game I’m running.
This was a couple weeks ago in the game I’m running. It was a particularly hard session for the players after some random encounters while camping. I had a player who wrote this up afterward and we added it to the adventure log. The repercussions of this have been prevalent in every communication and session since.
Hello peoples of the Gauntlet!
Hello peoples of the Gauntlet! My name is Nicole Lawton. I don’t live in Houston, but I’m only about an hour and and a half out in Beaumont. I currently run a Dragonlance game set in the fifth age using the pathfinder system. In the past I’ve also run Blue Rose and some pathfinder in her default setting! My husband also runs a pathfinder game with his own story line. We also like to play Traveler, Shadowrun, Runequest, and a few homegrown gamesin our area. I look forward to meeting other gamers and discussing their gaming experiences!