Here’s an interesting take on bonds and social class.
Here’s an interesting take on bonds and social class.
Here’s an interesting take on bonds and social class.
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Here’s an interesting take on bonds and social class.
Here’s an interesting take on bonds and social class.
A reminder to everyone, Mark Chance will be doing a playtest of his Risus scenario today at 6 pm.
A reminder to everyone, Mark Chance will be doing a playtest of his Risus scenario today at 6 pm. We will also be running a game of Monster of the Week. Check the Events for details and confirm whether you’d like to attend.
My first foray into #Apocalypse World has been fun and enlightening. I think my biggest take-away lesson is that…
My first foray into #Apocalypse World has been fun and enlightening. I think my biggest take-away lesson is that the first session is crucial to setting up everything. I think I pushed the PC’s out into the field too soon in the first session. Then it was on me to keep bringing in action since I didn’t leave enough time for the connections to build up and tense up in the first day. That put more pressure on me to make a story happen than it seems is intended by Baker. It seems like it’s important to be sure that we get into the nitty gritty details of the characters’ lives and really make solid connections between them and flesh them out in the first session. That way the tension can come from the interactions between the PC’s and how they fit in their niches. The characters’ “home base” was another thing that turns out to be more important than I realized. They really do need a chance to shine in their element.
In our discussion afterwards, it came up that the *World hacks all seem to have prompts built in, or settings that are clearly fleshed out before anyone even sits down at the table (you’re a team of monster hunters/adventurers/clones, etc.). Original AW leaves that open, so that is what the first session is supposed to be for. (D.V.B. would probably say “duh, that’s what I wrote!”, but it takes the experience of it to really understand it.) The first session is really where the PC’s figure out how they can get what they want from each other, and the MC sees those strings and pulls on them from some angles they might not expect, or maybe sees strings to pull the PC’s might not have noticed, even though the PC’s really created them.
I think I managed to throw some interesting stuff at Clang, Beemer and Plum, and I enjoyed how they dealt with it. I really liked the warped dreams and apocalyptica they spewed.
Now that we’ve got a better handle on the AW mechanics, I’m looking forward to see what these freaks do when they leave the tattered remains of the WalMart behind and take their show on the road!
Looks like I’ve got an opening in my once a month Dungeon World game.
Looks like I’ve got an opening in my once a month Dungeon World game. The game runs on either the 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month out in Katy. The next session is this Saturday from 1pm to 5pm. Anyone interested?
Lookie what Matt Jackson found, a giant 25″ x 30″ pad of Post-it graph paper:
Lookie what Matt Jackson found, a giant 25″ x 30″ pad of Post-it graph paper:
I’m getting excited about MotW tomorrow!
I’m getting excited about MotW tomorrow! This is a great implementation of Apocalypse World (post updated with picture that isn’t a muddy mess).
I’m going to be running a Western/Horror Fudge RPG set in 1866 for my gaming group.
Originally shared by Todd T. Schmitt
I’m going to be running a Western/Horror Fudge RPG set in 1866 for my gaming group.
Characters will have no Attributes per say, using Fate-like Aspects instead. The skills list tends to the narrow side.
I’m planning to use simultaneous combat and a Hit Location chart for combat. Also, tending to use role-playing of Faults as the mechanism for receiving Fudge Points.
Campaign wiki here (work in progress):
Any comments or suggestions welcome.
Zoomable LoTR map with pins and paths…. pretty cool.
Originally shared by Nate McD
Zoomable LoTR map with pins and paths…. pretty cool.
Look at these happy Dungeon World players!
Look at these happy Dungeon World players!
Tonight was our sixth session of Oceans of Order & Chaos (and seventeenth session overall). This wrap-up of the Reaver’s Rock adventure saw our party doing battle with the spirits of the Three Wicked Kings (Old King Mermeron, Old King Abradon, and Old King Celadon), as well as lizard men and flesh golems. Additionally, they discovered the gruesome method by which Gormakir and his lizard men raise and nurse the baby hydras that will help them eradicate mankind in the Dagger Isles.
Thanks to Daniel Fowler for playing the only character with a moral compass (it helps to have at least one). And thanks to Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay , Ian Hay and Daniel Lewis for a great session.
Someone finally did it.
Someone finally did it. Prepare yourselves, Daniel Lewis , Daniel Fowler , Alexander Hay , Ian Hay , Trey Palmer and Kerry Harrison.