Anyone see any major issues with having our first RPG minicon on Saturday, September 14th 2013?

Anyone see any major issues with having our first RPG minicon on Saturday, September 14th 2013?

Anyone see any major issues with having our first RPG minicon on Saturday, September 14th 2013?

Yesterday’s session of Fiasco was a blast! We played the Camp Death play set (think: Friday the 13th).

Yesterday’s session of Fiasco was a blast! We played the Camp Death play set (think: Friday the 13th).

Yesterday’s session of Fiasco was a blast! We played the Camp Death play set (think: Friday the 13th). 

Warning: the following play report is for a game that was terribly misogynistic and in completely bad taste. We were trying to be true to the slasher flick genre, and I think we did a good job, but just bear in mind that it got a little off-color. 

The game was set in 1982. Our characters were: Camp counselors (and identical twins) Ford Cruller and Cletus Cruller, who had a bet to see who could score with the most girls (the loser had to join the military and pay for the winner’s first year of college); Syd Simone, the head camp counselor, who was also a lecherous perv, on the run from the law for being a peeping tom; and Cindy “Peaches” Burnside, who was your standard 80’s era slasher flick party girl (and southern belle).

There was a gaggle of NPCs, too, including Carlos Chorizo, whose Mexican exoticness was of particular interest to Peaches; Lily, the good Christian girl who got split up the middle the precise moment she abandoned her values (her body was found filleted and clutching a Bible to her chest cavity); Sam, the tomboy, who got pitchforked; and a pair of bimbos from California named Pomona and Anaheim. 

In the end it was all sex and gore and high camp. And it was a good time. 

Thanks to Ferrell Riley , Rob Ferguson, and Richard Schaefer.

The folks at are holding a Not-A-Kickstarter to pay for much-needed new equipment for their annual Gen…

The folks at are holding a Not-A-Kickstarter to pay for much-needed new equipment for their annual Gen…

The folks at are holding a Not-A-Kickstarter to pay for much-needed new equipment for their annual Gen Con coverage. They’re offering a giant Swag Bag to supporters for a $25 donation, it’s worth checking out.

Great Characters From History? Here’s a strong, female to inspire role-players.

Great Characters From History? Here’s a strong, female to inspire role-players.

Originally shared by Jeremy Riley

Great Characters From History? Here’s a strong, female to inspire role-players.

She screams rogue to me, because I’ve always played them as swashbucklers but anything flamboyant and in -your-face.

I feel like I need to buy this because a) it’s from the same guy who wrote Annalise, b) it only costs $1.50, and c)…

I feel like I need to buy this because a) it’s from the same guy who wrote Annalise, b) it only costs $1.50, and c)…

I feel like I need to buy this because a) it’s from the same guy who wrote Annalise, b) it only costs $1.50, and c) it has quite possibly the best name EVER.