Yesterday’s session of Fiasco was a blast! We played the Camp Death play set (think: Friday the 13th).
Yesterday’s session of Fiasco was a blast! We played the Camp Death play set (think: Friday the 13th).
Warning: the following play report is for a game that was terribly misogynistic and in completely bad taste. We were trying to be true to the slasher flick genre, and I think we did a good job, but just bear in mind that it got a little off-color.
The game was set in 1982. Our characters were: Camp counselors (and identical twins) Ford Cruller and Cletus Cruller, who had a bet to see who could score with the most girls (the loser had to join the military and pay for the winner’s first year of college); Syd Simone, the head camp counselor, who was also a lecherous perv, on the run from the law for being a peeping tom; and Cindy “Peaches” Burnside, who was your standard 80’s era slasher flick party girl (and southern belle).
There was a gaggle of NPCs, too, including Carlos Chorizo, whose Mexican exoticness was of particular interest to Peaches; Lily, the good Christian girl who got split up the middle the precise moment she abandoned her values (her body was found filleted and clutching a Bible to her chest cavity); Sam, the tomboy, who got pitchforked; and a pair of bimbos from California named Pomona and Anaheim.
In the end it was all sex and gore and high camp. And it was a good time.
Thanks to Ferrell Riley , Rob Ferguson, and Richard Schaefer.
Last night turned out to be a nano-convention. We had enough people to play two separate games: Geodesic Gnomes and Monster of the Week. Everyone had a great time!
The folks at are holding a Not-A-Kickstarter to pay for much-needed new equipment for their annual Gen…
The folks at are holding a Not-A-Kickstarter to pay for much-needed new equipment for their annual Gen Con coverage. They’re offering a giant Swag Bag to supporters for a $25 donation, it’s worth checking out.
I feel like I need to buy this because a) it’s from the same guy who wrote Annalise, b) it only costs $1.50, and c)…
I feel like I need to buy this because a) it’s from the same guy who wrote Annalise, b) it only costs $1.50, and c) it has quite possibly the best name EVER.