In Dungeon World, a gelatinous cube has more HP than a dragon (20 vs 16).

In Dungeon World, a gelatinous cube has more HP than a dragon (20 vs 16).

In Dungeon World, a gelatinous cube has more HP than a dragon (20 vs 16). There are, in fact, single orcs who have more HP than a dragon. Some people casually peruse the book, notice this peculiarity, and immediately start forming negative opinions about Dungeon World. You see it all over the place in forums where the game is being discussed.

Oh well…so much for reading the text in full. 

This is a one-shot of The Regiment, a squad-based military game running on the Apocalypse World engine.

This is a one-shot of The Regiment, a squad-based military game running on the Apocalypse World engine.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

This is a one-shot of The Regiment, a squad-based military game running on the Apocalypse World engine. We will be using a modified version of the setting from Alexander Hay’s Pulp! game, Black Sun Over Europe. Think: SAS troops fighting an ancient occult order. 

If you wish to participate, I will send you a Hangouts request at 7:00 on the day. Please be certain your computer has the specs to handle the call. 


So, our Friday One-Shot calendar is taking a hiatus for November and December.

So, our Friday One-Shot calendar is taking a hiatus for November and December.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

So, our Friday One-Shot calendar is taking a hiatus for November and December. It will be back in January. In the meantime, I will be running four sessions of Mouse Guard during those two months. The dates will be 11.08, 11.15, 12.06, and 12.13. Only this Event will be Public. After that, attendees of the first game will get private invites for the remaining three sessions. 

For those of you who aren’t aware, Mouse Guard runs on a simplified version of Luke Crane’s Burning Wheel system. The game is superb. There is no experience with the system required to play in this session. 

“Let’s fight for what we believe!”


For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Rob Ferguson will be running the pulp action game Danger Patrol.

For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Rob Ferguson will be running the pulp action game Danger Patrol.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Rob Ferguson will be running the pulp action game Danger Patrol. If you’d like to download the rules, they can be found here:

I will provide food. Bring whatever you would like to drink. 


For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Jimmy Wilder will be running Fate Acclerated.

For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Jimmy Wilder will be running Fate Acclerated.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

For this edition of Story Game Sunday, Jimmy Wilder will be running Fate Acclerated. The scenario will invoke the old Dark Dungeons comics written by Chick during the height of the 1980’s satanic-panic. 

I will provide food. BYOB. 


This is a terrific interview with Joe McDaldno, the creator of Monsterhearts.

This is a terrific interview with Joe McDaldno, the creator of Monsterhearts.

This is a terrific interview with Joe McDaldno, the creator of Monsterhearts. The conversation that ensues is very wide-ranging and insightful. A must-listen if you care at all about game design. 

I’m tagging my Monsterhearts players, who might find it particularly interesting: Daniel Lewis Derek Grimm Ferrell Riley and Alex Camacho