Greetings, and welcome to the weekly Gauntlet actual-play and video roundup! Don’t miss any of the great new APs in the updated playlists and video links below.
Pocket-Sized Play
– Malandros: Another Day in Rio (Episodes 2 and 3), Tom McGrenery runs for David LaFreniere, Jason Cordova, Patrick Knowles, and Tyler Lominack recorded at Gauntlet Con 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUd-bCWJ6I0&list=PL26DVDSsqVz5qpc–VCStEDv6j_WN94CD&index=2
Gauntlet Sunday
– Hearts of Wulin (Session 2 of 4), Lowell Francis runs for Maria Rivera, Patrick Knowles, Pawel Solowczuk, and Auzumel S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_60X91dDNIY&list=PL26DVDSsqVz64dxp6pHAh30KmTsUkr2fv&index=2
Wednesday Morning Drama
– Atitlan Riders (Session 2 of 2), Gerrit Reininghaus runs for Patrick Knowles, Paul Czege, Sabine V, and Tyler Lominack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnyuBHYadqc&list=PL26DVDSsqVz4Wqg_ah7UflCO_Tz9Q7LU0&index=2
(Due to technical difficulties, Session 2 of Atitlan Riders was recorded in two separate videos. Be sure to catch them both!)
TGI Thursday
– Pasión de las Pasiones (Session 1 of 2), Lowell Francis runs for Brian Wille, Jesse Larimer, Kyle Hodnett, and Matt Wetherbee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAAArn5I5SE&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7-UCnWlSoO7KmNLEghfH1F
Friday Nightmares
– Unknown Armies (Session 2 of 4), David Rothfeder runs for Bryan Lotz, Jim Crocker, Noel Warford, and Yoshi Creelman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l5yg0UpGng&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7AiixNRlN6e71DLiNV6TBP
(Session 1 of this Unknown Armies series covered character creation, but unfortunately did not record properly. Feel free to jump right in at session 2!)
Star Wars Saturday
– The Rebel Few (Session 2 of 4), Richard Rogers runs for Pawel Solowczuk, Steve Moore, Tomer Gurantz, and blaise hebert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkbAdgGwJt4&list=PL26DVDSsqVz5DhRsMVdHOXW7vVWM8Z6qs&index=5
Gauntlet Quarterly
– Mutant Year Zero (Session 7), Lowell Francis runs for Jesse Larimer, Matthew Doughty, Michael X. Heiligenstein, and Auzumel S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKiaGdVGtzM&list=PL26DVDSsqVz58TGG_a2YqzNgpONkPopnh&index=11
Indie Schwarze Auge [German language]
– Cheat Your Own Adventure: Der Quell des Todes/Die Attentäter, Gerrit Reininghaus ermöglichte eine Session für Johannes Oppermann, Mathias Belger, and Sabine V: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnN90bNgQ-Y
Gauntlet City Limits
– All of Their Strengths (Session 1 of 2), Richard Rogers runs for Jesse Ross, Maria Rivera, and Mark Causey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeuF_Y421NI&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7d7pzLvSAAYShvpQ9Ui01X&index=3
Songs of the Shadow Court
– Dungeon World: Vaults of Shadow (Session 2 of 3), Jason Cordova runs for Christo Meid, Fraser Simons, Mathias Belger, and Matthew Doughty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoE9cFeRS0M&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7cln9cdXgbhvPn3ygb9SVh&index=2
Gauntlet Hangouts
– Rhapsody of Blood: Red Moon Rising (Session 2 of 4), James Iles runs for Aaron DeRosa, Jesse Larimer, and Maria Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94Io-XpdeGI&index=2&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7Y9SCtvoWBpKWeTIOH2519
– Bedlam Hall: Welcome to Bedlam Place, gerwyn walters runs for Christine Maunsell, David Rothfeder, and Stephen Humphreys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYlFIGnsM54&list=PL26DVDSsqVz59QCWPjP9iXJjmIsukt-oR
– Shadowrun/World of Shadows: Renraku Arcology Shutdown (Session 2 of 4), Michael G. Barford runs for Aaron Berger, Andrew Shields, Arthur Eames, and Lu Quade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBnNXUKSyf4&list=PL26DVDSsqVz5U32D-PPpWYCBkK-efT334&index=2
– Fall of Magic: Barley Town to Istallia (Session 2 of 3), Lu Quade runs for Ellen Saxon, Lauren McManamon, and Sidney Icarus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzavGBB3QMw&index=2&list=PL26DVDSsqVz6136hIbdn-9HUVqskogCGS
– Wield: Wield World (Session 2), Mikel Matthews runs for Brian Wille, Jim Crocker, and Michael Mendoza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkN3dflJJnM&index=2&list=PL26DVDSsqVz6YDDy2yI5vErSpdbG65XGi
– Infinite Galaxies: Agents of Star Patrol (Session 3 of 3), Rory MacLeod runs for Asher Silberman, David Jay, gerwyn walters, and Richard Rogers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPrPexKbJz8&index=3&list=PL26DVDSsqVz7WnBTZtWgv4PWL9AXo29A_
– The Final Girl: Seaward, Pat Perkins facilitates for David LaFreniere, josh gary, and Matt Egger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OINQaD7A2As
– Monsterhearts 2: Mercy Falls ’83 2 (Sessions 1 and 2 of 3), Jason Cordova runs for Fraser Simons, Gerrit Reininghaus, Lauren McManamon, Philipp Neitzel, and Sidney Icarus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38cHVaN0jTA&list=PL26DVDSsqVz4wW1l4t23y4pxtpKKPhxXS&index=20
Check out all the great videos on The Gauntlet’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9QoUve1LQHu_feDx0snd4w and don’t forget to subscribe! Check out the playlists to catch up on all your favorite Gauntlet Hangouts games. To support The Gauntlet and Gauntlet Hangouts, please visit the Gauntlet Patreon at https://patreon.com/gauntlet where $7 and up patrons get priority RSVP for Gauntlet Hangouts games. Enjoy, and everyone have a great weekend!