Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Originally shared by Mark Chance

Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler 

I did some lonelyfunning on Sunday, trying to see how easily I can adapt things to Dungeon World.

I did some lonelyfunning on Sunday, trying to see how easily I can adapt things to Dungeon World.

I did some lonelyfunning on Sunday, trying to see how easily I can adapt things to Dungeon World. The link contains three things: The Mill at Broken Promises (a favorite set piece I created years ago for another game), the Vainglorious Boots (a magical item I created for a different system), and a Bone Golem. Because Dungeon World is driven by fiction rather than mechanics, I found adapting things to be quite easy. 

Daniel Lewis did an excellent job with Lacuna last night.

Daniel Lewis did an excellent job with Lacuna last night.

Daniel Lewis did an excellent job with Lacuna last night.  There was a surprising amount of humor in the game and that’s not easy to pull off.  Alexander Hay brought a couple of bottles of his homemade brew, which was pretty tasty.  And check out those awesome character sheets!  Scantrons are perfect for a game about bureaucracy.