Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning?

Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning?

Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning? Does the wizard have to bargain with the spirit every time? Does that take up time in combat? If so, can the mage ask for certain abilities ahead of time?

Jason Cordova​ and crew: Im terrible at dialogue as the monsters and the BBEG.

Jason Cordova​ and crew: Im terrible at dialogue as the monsters and the BBEG.

Jason Cordova​ and crew: Im terrible at dialogue as the monsters and the BBEG. How do I add that extra something to make combat more cinematic and fulfilling?

Has anybody written up the magic items from the early episodes of Discern Realities?

Has anybody written up the magic items from the early episodes of Discern Realities?

Has anybody written up the magic items from the early episodes of Discern Realities? They were really good and I can’t seem to find them anywhere.

One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense.

One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense.

One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense. This is often achieved by having the characters explore the aftermath of a bad situation or the den of a monster. Think about the Aliens film where the marines explore the colony. They see evidence of struggle and a couple clues, but most importantly they can’t find any civilians. I am often tempted to do something similar in DW. have the players explore a silent crypt, abandoned town, empty lair until they get in deep and trigger the danger. Maybe they break the seal on the mummy’s tomb, spend the night in the abandoned inn, or disturb the nest in the back of the cave. Now they are in trouble, the trouble hinted at by the earlier exploration: inscriptions of curses or gnawed bones and shed skins.

My worry is that the exploration part, act 1, will either be boring for the players or will cause them to worry too much and slow down to a crawl. Has anyone found a good way to handle this?

Has anyone used the revised Aid/Interfere moves (discussed in this episode) in play?

Has anyone used the revised Aid/Interfere moves (discussed in this episode) in play?

Has anyone used the revised Aid/Interfere moves (discussed in this episode) in play? If so, willing to share your experiences?

Link the move text (4-up on a sheet, for use as cutouts if you like):

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

Episode 43 of Discern Realities is here! In this one, David LaFreniere and I discuss more Anglekite, talk about the new Sword Breaker zine, take a look at the Aid/Interfere move, announce a brand-new contest, and continue Ramshackle’s story in an AP that can only be described as EPIC.

If you’re interested in participating in the shrine contest we announce here, please send your entries to

A reminder about the details:

-400 word max

-Description of your deity and their shrine

-A custom move for the shrine

-A magic item

-A spell

-Alternatively, you can do two magic items instead of the spell


Cc: Brendan Conway Logan Howard Jeremy Strandberg Slade Stolar

This seems right up Kate Bullock’s alley.

This seems right up Kate Bullock’s alley.

This seems right up Kate Bullock’s alley.

Originally shared by Amazing Tales

Doesn’t get more immersive and educational than this I imagine

This seems like it could be fairly useful.

This seems like it could be fairly useful.

This seems like it could be fairly useful.

Originally shared by Dawit Thepchatree

Hey guys, I made another 2-page PDF for the GM. It expands upon key GM moves:

• Give an Opportunity that Fits a Class’ Abilities

• Use a Monster Move

• Use a Danger Move

Give an Opportunity that Fits a Class’ Abilities

Instead of having to go through or memorize all moves from the player’s class playbooks, I’ve compiled most situational moves into a one Opportunity sheet. I didn’t actually list the moves themselves, but instead, the obstacles or challenges that must be overcome by certain class moves. Optional moves and races are labeled in parentheses.

Monster Moves

I went through the entirety of Dungeon World’s monster section and grouped many of the monster moves into similar functions. I think this is far better as it allows you to be more creative with what a monster can do rather than be limited to three prompts. Be careful about straying too far from the game fiction though.

Danger Moves

There’s also a short explanation on how dangers work, their types, and the moves that each type can make.

I hope this enhances your Dungeon World experience. 🙂

Other PDFs I Made

The GM:

Combat & Equipment:

The Hireling:

I’d like to tap into the psychic maelstrom of the Gauntlet for a bit and open my brain to some 1st session fuckery.

I’d like to tap into the psychic maelstrom of the Gauntlet for a bit and open my brain to some 1st session fuckery.

I’d like to tap into the psychic maelstrom of the Gauntlet for a bit and open my brain to some 1st session fuckery. I’m running Apocalypse World for a group of my friends this Friday and I really want to get them locked in and engaged with some great 1st session questions. They haven’t decided yet but I know my players are leaning towards the Maestro D’, the battlebabe, the faceless, and the savvyhead. One of my favorite questions for the Savvyhead (and I can’t take credit for it) is “What is the thing you regret making the most, and who has it now?” Does anyone have any really juicy questions that get your players really thinking about and involved with things from the get go? Thanks!