


I spray chrome spray paint and a little bit (all of it) gets in my mouth. It tastes like hope and possibilities. I take a mighty leap off my hot dog cart, both hands clutching a fistful of sea monkeys. Before striking down the massive pigeon beneath me, a terrible wind surges forth and I look up, too late, and am swept away toward Dallas. Only a slippery residue and the faint smell of coconut remains. The vile, obscene pigeon gives mighty wheeze of indifference before it starts to lick up the zero-friction residue…

While reading through the rules for Regency Ladies in preparation for tonight’s game, I had a bit of a heart…

While reading through the rules for Regency Ladies in preparation for tonight’s game, I had a bit of a heart…

While reading through the rules for Regency Ladies in preparation for tonight’s game, I had a bit of a heart palpitation when I thought the game would not have checkboxes. “What is this?” I asked myself. “A Grant Howitt game without checkboxes?” Fortunately, I was wrong, and found the part of the rules that would definitely require a checkbox of some sort. 

But then I realized there are no checkboxes on the character sheet

And now I feel desperate and alone. 

I watched the new Avengers movie this weekend.

I watched the new Avengers movie this weekend.

I watched the new Avengers movie this weekend. It was pretty good, particularly in that it may have felt like a bloated mess in the hands of a lesser director. There were a few things I had problems with, though…

-Why did Ultron have moving lips? Whenever he was onscreen, those lips were all I could focus on. And I don’t mean just a mechanical jaw going up and down; he had fully articulated lips! Also, the dance sequence with Ultron and all his little Ultrons during the end credits was a bit off to me, tone-wise. 

-Also, I don’t think Eric Stoltz was the right move for Ultron’s voice.

-Jeremy Renner is about as uncharismatic as actors come. I was glad to see the heavy focus on his character’s background and home life was setting us up for his death. Good riddance!

-This movie’s version of Quiksilver is so much lamer than the one in X-Men: Age of Apokalips. 

-The accents of the two new actors were annoying as hell. I can do a way better Sekovian accent, and I’m not even from there!

-Why was the Hulk purple in this one?

-I’m a little bored with Loki. This is, what, his fifth movie appearance? Come on, Marvel, there are so many awesome villains you could be using, like, I don’t know, the Joker???

-When is Iron Man going to finally get it on with the Terrence Howard character? I feel like they have been building up to that for a long time now, and I’m ready for the pay off. Especially with that show Empire Records being such a big hit, you’d think they’d want to find a way to give that character more screen time. 

-Has Paul Bettany always been the voice of Alfred? I feel like it used to be someone different. 

All in all, though, a pretty good movie. Nicely paced, snappy dialogue, and, like I said, it miraculously manages to introduce a ton of new characters without feeling bloated. It just goes to show you, in the hands of a good director, you can do the impossible! 

Russell Benner’s contribution to our Saturday game. He can also get us some sweet discounts with his AARP card.

Russell Benner’s contribution to our Saturday game. He can also get us some sweet discounts with his AARP card.

Russell Benner’s contribution to our Saturday game. He can also get us some sweet discounts with his AARP card.

Someone needs to make a freeform game about drag queens in a reality TV competition.

Someone needs to make a freeform game about drag queens in a reality TV competition.

Someone needs to make a freeform game about drag queens in a reality TV competition. I’d pay five American dollars for that!

This is a little shout-out to our core group of Gauntleteers . . .

This is a little shout-out to our core group of Gauntleteers . . .

This is a little shout-out to our core group of Gauntleteers . . . 

Every week, and often multiple times a week, you endure Houston traffic (and sometimes tornados and flash floods) to come to our events. You rearrange your calendar, and you are dependable. You are stridently dedicated to the concept of us

If I was capable of feeling humility, I would say it is very humbling. 

And now, how shall we count the ways?

The Gauntlet is like a pitcher, and you are its catcher. 

The Gauntlet is like food, and your mouth is always open wide.

The Gauntlet is like water, and you are a vessel, waiting to be filled. 

The Gauntlet comes a knockin’, and you always let it in. 

The Gauntlet is ready to give, and you are ready to receive. 

I salute you, Comrades! #HailSatan

 Daniel Lewis Russell Benner Steve Mains Ferrell Riley Daniel Fowler David LaFreniere Kristen D Scott Owen Jorge Salazar Jeff Burke