My soon 10yo player keeps introducing legends and prophecies to our simplified PbtA games and I came up with this…

My soon 10yo player keeps introducing legends and prophecies to our simplified PbtA games and I came up with this…

My soon 10yo player keeps introducing legends and prophecies to our simplified PbtA games and I came up with this just now. Do you have any suggestions or know any similar moves from existing games?

When you remember a prophecy, tell it and roll.

On 10+ choose 1, on 7-9 choose 2.

– One of the details is untrue or incomplete.

– The MC can add an extra detail to the prophecy.

– Something is preventing the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Take +1 to all actions that will fulfill the prophecy.

Take -1 to all actions that will disprove the prophecy.

He likes using legends to establish the existence of magical items and a prophecy to say that he was the hero destined to use them or that it was the item destined to solve a problem. It might be better to ignore the prophecies and focus on ways to let him introduce elements to the setting since I think that’s his main motive. I like the concept though and I would like to try it on him anyway.

I am hopeless with voices.

I am hopeless with voices.

I am hopeless with voices. I find it hard to make them consistent and remember them between sessions or even scenes. “Staple” accents and familiar voices from movies are also difficult for me to replicate.

Any advice or resources for people who want to improve? I GM several mini sessions a week for my stepson so I have lots of time to practice on throwaway characters.