I’m playing in a home game of WH40K: Only War.

I’m playing in a home game of WH40K: Only War.

I’m playing in a home game of WH40K: Only War. This is my first rpg of WH40K and I’m not sure if it is the game for me. I feel that I need to look over my shoulder the whole time and that I can’t play my character the way I want to because of the setting of the game. For example, no lipping off to the officers or non-coms or you are dead. Is this just part of the system or something at our table? Thanks for your input.

Hey Gauntlet

Hey Gauntlet

Hey Gauntlet,

I have run a group of friends through two Dungeon World adventure and they have said they are having a good time, but I seem to be lacking in the treasure area. How do you ‘reward’ the characters? Random magic items? Piles of gold? My players are all 5E and Pathfinder players as well as games like Shadowrun, so they are looking for something but would be ok with just a payment if the adventure was a job instead of a random event. Thanks for your input.

Have you ever played a character for so long that you wanted the game to end instead of having to deal with losing…

Have you ever played a character for so long that you wanted the game to end instead of having to deal with losing…

Have you ever played a character for so long that you wanted the game to end instead of having to deal with losing them? I’m in a Werewolf Apocalypse game and myself and the pack alpha are the only ones still alive of our pack. Two others are on their 3rd or 4th character each. What was your experience and how did you handle it?

I’m sure this is around here somewhere but I’m thinking of running a Dungeon World game and I’m looking for clear…

I’m sure this is around here somewhere but I’m thinking of running a Dungeon World game and I’m looking for clear…

I’m sure this is around here somewhere but I’m thinking of running a Dungeon World game and I’m looking for clear examples of play. I have listened/watched a few actual play podcasts but it seems like everyone is already an experienced DW player. Any ideas on where I can find some vids for new players and DM? Thanks for the help.

Greetings Gauntlet, I have been listening to the various podcasts and in one of the early The Gauntlet podcasts the…

Greetings Gauntlet, I have been listening to the various podcasts and in one of the early The Gauntlet podcasts the…

Greetings Gauntlet, I have been listening to the various podcasts and in one of the early The Gauntlet podcasts the gang talked about a game named First Impressions. I checked online and can’t seem to find the correct game. Can any of you post the link for it? Thanks.