Jason Cordova and anyone else who has done this: I’m going to run Cheat Your Own Adventure for some friends soon.

Jason Cordova and anyone else who has done this: I’m going to run Cheat Your Own Adventure for some friends soon.

Jason Cordova and anyone else who has done this: I’m going to run Cheat Your Own Adventure for some friends soon. Reading over the rules I can see all the prep work you did for the Dia de los Muertos session. The scripted first passages and custom loss conditions were really fucking smart and drove our stories in interesting directions. For me, the scenario “You are a student at an Italian boarding school and if you lose you become the bride of Satan” has a lot more dramatic juice than the default “get treasure from [random location]+[random descriptor], if you lose you die.”

But I’m kinda drawing a blank for how to come up with a new one. Tips? At the moment I’m thinking of starting with something Lynch (Blue Velvet maybe?) and seeing what happens. Has anybody collected a bunch of scenarios like this for CYOA?