Hey, guys, do you want a review copy? Jason Cordova

Hey, guys, do you want a review copy? Jason Cordova

Hey, guys, do you want a review copy? Jason Cordova

Originally shared by Jacob Ross

The Exodus System is a new standalone RPG inspired by my favorite systems of all time, including Black Hack, Cortex Prime, Numenera/Cypher System and the Adventurer, Conqueror, King System (ACKS).

Inside is a complete game ready for you to hack. It’s suitable for any genre, from stone age historical to sci-fi. Character creation is fast and easy. You get to create your own class by simply choosing two Roles and two Flavors. Every character gets a Role that’s useful in combat and one that’s non-combat applications so everyone always has time to shine.

This purchase comes in both PDF form, for easy reading, and in a Word document so you can hack the system. Besides the name “Exodus System” and my name, Jacob DC Ross, everything in the book is Open Content with the OGL.

Thiese files have no interior art in order to make printing easier and less expensive. That said, we’re working on a new setting called NexEarth, which is going to feature beautiful pieces by some of the best artists in the industry, as well as new mechanics and a rich story.

As a living document, this game is going to get regularly updated, and your purchase here gets you access to those updates. When we release NexEarth everyone whose already purchased the SRD gets a discount coupon, which essentially makes this title FREE.

We want a lot of support for this title, so please get the word out!
