Happy USican Thanksgiving y’all!
Instead of showing you my turkey, here’s all my RPGs (except a bunch of floppy adventures) on one shelf. In pride of place right in my living room.
Just looking at them makes me happy.
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Happy USican Thanksgiving y’all!
Happy USican Thanksgiving y’all!
Instead of showing you my turkey, here’s all my RPGs (except a bunch of floppy adventures) on one shelf. In pride of place right in my living room.
Just looking at them makes me happy.
Sad. My last social media vice, now going away.
Sad. My last social media vice, now going away.
Originally shared by David P
News: Google is sunsetting Google+ over the next 10 months.
Time for people to start looking for a different place to host all of these gaming-related communities that currently live on Google+.
I think I would rather play the Warren – but boy I love Watership Down.
I think I would rather play the Warren – but boy I love Watership Down. I still own GURPS Bunnies and Burrows. Owned and gave away the original (kicks self).
Something interesting in this version is you can play non-rabbit creatures.
Tragically behind on my podcasts (I’ve been distracted listening to the entire back catalog of Bad with Money -…
Tragically behind on my podcasts (I’ve been distracted listening to the entire back catalog of Bad with Money – recommended!).
The episode of The Guantlet main podcast with Jason Cordova and Lowell Francis was great.
I had heard Lowell discuss Hearts of Wulin, and I’m looking forward to how that one will progress.
But the Between! Originally the setting didn’t really grab me, as I guess I’ve gotten blase about Victorian England. But holy cow the mechanics Jason described sounded so cool. Especially the Overscene mechanic. Even though it’s explicit that players and GM will loop the theme back into a scene, I can imagine the chills it will produce as the theme is revealed. So cinematic.
I was imagining a high level backer level where you get to hang out at some bitching location in London for 2 weeks while Jason runs the next session of the game for the group each night. During the day folks are free to explore Modern London; or even visit locations that come up in the game. Or maybe it’s even a maxi-con with 3-4 excellent GMs running the Between for 15-20 people.
Anyway, I’m stoked for the next steps of the game.
Anyone else interested in Over the Edge?
Anyone else interested in Over the Edge? Backed it, as I have both previous editions and almost all the supplements. For me, OTE is probably the first “story game” I ever encountered. The chargen mechanics blew my mind. Sadly, I could never get any of my friends to play.
Arrived today. Dialect.
Arrived today. Dialect.
So this is a little nuts.
So this is a little nuts. In case it doesn’t come through in the link, the one lone used copy of Dogs in the Vineyard on Amazon selling for $1,496.01.
I found a 6 month old Reddit thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/7ebv98/get_dogs_in_the_vineyard_in_print/) where Vincent said he’s contemplating a new edition. Or not, and it will go forever into out of print land.
Anyway, wow.
Podcast recommendations? I’m open to not just gamer ones.
Podcast recommendations? I’m open to not just gamer ones.
Not a fan of AP much.
Assume all Gauntlet and Musdirected Mark podcasts covered.
Like economic, science and lexicographic ones.
Lean liberal.
Appreciate non American pov, but still require English (I tried a french rpg podcast, couldn’t track. )
Finally, prefer shorter backlog.
Thanks in advance.
I’m a big fan of Jennifer Fuss’s crowdfunding blog.
I’m a big fan of Jennifer Fuss’s crowdfunding blog. She was away for a few weeks, and now that she’s back, she had a big download.
One thing I love about her blog is she’ll list non-USican crowdfundings (I’ll link to her blog in the comments). Is this the same Tom McGrenery as Fear of a Black Dragon?