Hey Gauntleteers!

Hey Gauntleteers!

Hey Gauntleteers!

You’ve become my primary Dungeon World source, so here’s a DW question I’ve been pondering…

How do you decide what Death takes from players at the Black Gate on a 7-9? I’ve heard plenty of Rangers pet stories, but I’m trying to piece together how much is just MC discretion vs taking away a specific advance.

My Googling has failed me, but I realized that this is the ideal group of people to ask this.

My Googling has failed me, but I realized that this is the ideal group of people to ask this.

My Googling has failed me, but I realized that this is the ideal group of people to ask this.

I’m starting up a Dungeon World play-by-post and I was hoping to find a way to make those sheets available online. Do any of you have suggestions for good methods?