Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning?

Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning?

Asking here because I know at least a couple have run World of Dungeons: how do you handle wizards’ summoning? Does the wizard have to bargain with the spirit every time? Does that take up time in combat? If so, can the mage ask for certain abilities ahead of time?

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did…

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did…

So, after countless delays and flake-outs I ran my first in-the-flesh session of Monsterhearts, and ooooooh boy did it go well! Our first session left us with a fantastic cast, a really cool, creepy setting, and some looming menaces. I’m here to talk about the menaces.

The first session saw the appearance of two factions: The Serpentine’s snake-aristocracy parents, and the Ghoul’s tentacular patron in the lake. It’s been established that these factions are fighting, or at least competing for sacrifices, but I haven’t figured out what to do with them.

Before next session I’d like to have a better idea of how to use these. I tried working out a menace sheet but I can’t seem to get a good sense of what this conflict is about (power, probably?), what the stakes are, or, most importantly, what their MOs are.

Any advice?