Has anyone here listened to the Orbital Decay podcast? (They run a slightly modified version of Uncharted Worlds)

Has anyone here listened to the Orbital Decay podcast? (They run a slightly modified version of Uncharted Worlds)

Has anyone here listened to the Orbital Decay podcast? (They run a slightly modified version of Uncharted Worlds)

I’m about 3 episodes in, and I have to ask… Does it get better?

The guy is great at world-building and describing, but so far, his GMing skills, at least with a PBA system, feel more like “Storytime with GM” than any actual role-playing. The only “world building” the players do has been of the “describe that thing” variety, and it’s all been superficial. And he even “tells the players what they do” instead of asking.

I’m not what you’d call a “rules maven” — I don’t care that he isn’t doing everything perfectly for a PBA game, but at the same time, he seems to be skipping the most basic things — namely, the few rolls they’ve had, he’s pretty much brushed off the results (two of which were failures, one of which is a 7-9 — in all cases, things went “pretty much as you expected”)

I dunno. I kinda want to continue, but it’s driving me a bit nuts. (And I tend to be easily pleased). So I’m wondering if anyone else listened to that podcast and can tell me if it’s worth continuing.

6 thoughts on “Has anyone here listened to the Orbital Decay podcast? (They run a slightly modified version of Uncharted Worlds)”

  1. I run a PBTA podcast so I’m always listening for other people so I can steal tricks from them. Also the GM worked on Destiny, so I was kinda excited to see how many Proper Nouns he’d squeeze in but it’s just too much one voice talking.

  2. I run a PBTA podcast so I’m always listening for other people so I can steal tricks from them. Also the GM worked on Destiny, so I was kinda excited to see how many Proper Nouns he’d squeeze in but it’s just too much one voice talking.

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