Hey Gauntleteers, I’m back crowdsourcing the miscellany for Codex – Emerald. This miscellany is called “Three Dozen Jeweled Treasures, Allegedly Blessed or Cursed.” (Thanks to David LaFreniere for the prompt this month!) Submissions need to be a single sentence, or 2-3 short sentences. By submitting here, you’re agreeing to let us use it (you’ll get a credit on the issue). We’re looking for evocative things; the purpose of the miscellany is to inspire the reader.
Here are some examples:
“The Beggar’s Diamond is vivid yellow and almost impossible to keep. State of the art security systems fail, planes crash, and no hiding place remains unknown for long. It would be worth a fortune, if you could convince someone to buy the damned thing.”
“A band of sapphires encircles the Weeping Chalice. The strange ‘tears’ they emit at any attempted poisoning are actually the poison itself, magically filtered away. Any remaining liquid when the gems stop their weeping is safe to drink, though only a fool would pick up a cup still damp with poison.”
“The compass is ostentatious, inlaid with gemstones and precious woods, and its needle spins wildly for some bearers while holding straight as if fixed for others. They say it was a gift—or a rebuke—to a king who was never pleased, made to aim for whatever one’s heart most desires.”
P.S. If you want to be credited as something other than your G+ name, let me know!
The secret to eternal beauty was sealed by the mermaid’s queen in a pearl, which was stolen by a fisherman who was one of their lovers. Passed from hand to hand by various acts of betrayal, it now lays as one of many on the pearl necklace displayed at the pawn broker on 56th and Central St.
The secret to eternal beauty was sealed by the mermaid’s queen in a pearl, which was stolen by a fisherman who was one of their lovers. Passed from hand to hand by various acts of betrayal, it now lays as one of many on the pearl necklace displayed at the pawn broker on 56th and Central St.
Place the Sky Sapphire in a glass of white wine and summon your distant loved one to mind. Their image will appear in the liquid, showing you their location and general health. If the stone turns black, they are dead.
Place the Sky Sapphire in a glass of white wine and summon your distant loved one to mind. Their image will appear in the liquid, showing you their location and general health. If the stone turns black, they are dead.
The Blood Diamond of Bathory is just that – the highly pressurised blood of the most prized victims of the wicked countess. Worn around the neck, all who see you will love you and fear you. And you will always hear an exquisite chorus of screams of pain.
The Blood Diamond of Bathory is just that – the highly pressurised blood of the most prized victims of the wicked countess. Worn around the neck, all who see you will love you and fear you. And you will always hear an exquisite chorus of screams of pain.
The Lover’s Brooch is a classic black-and-white cameo, which shows the viewer the face of their true love. When worn pinned over the heart, all can see the face of the wearer’s true love. It has destroyed untold relationships.
The Lover’s Brooch is a classic black-and-white cameo, which shows the viewer the face of their true love. When worn pinned over the heart, all can see the face of the wearer’s true love. It has destroyed untold relationships.
“It seemed so dull when first looked upon. Cracked and blackened, hardly a gem at all. As we fled through the jungle it seemed to grow heavier and heavier. As exhaustion overcame us, we looked down and saw it glow in a most surprising way. Now the vines embrace us, the sprouts of life flow from our hands. Gaea’s Seed is blooming and we are Her roots.” -Sir Roger, 2nd expedition
“It seemed so dull when first looked upon. Cracked and blackened, hardly a gem at all. As we fled through the jungle it seemed to grow heavier and heavier. As exhaustion overcame us, we looked down and saw it glow in a most surprising way. Now the vines embrace us, the sprouts of life flow from our hands. Gaea’s Seed is blooming and we are Her roots.” -Sir Roger, 2nd expedition
The ring is not lavish, only a simple copper band but set within the intricate barbed prongs rests a hexagonal amber gem. The gem seems to glisten with moisture yet always dry to the touch. Licking the gem gives you the sweet taste of honey and visions of the whereabouts of the one true queen.
The ring is not lavish, only a simple copper band but set within the intricate barbed prongs rests a hexagonal amber gem. The gem seems to glisten with moisture yet always dry to the touch. Licking the gem gives you the sweet taste of honey and visions of the whereabouts of the one true queen.
Two spider earrings. One is large and silver with tiny diamonds for eyes while the other, though smaller, is an elegant ebony arachnid with a large ruby inset. If they are worn on a moonless night, they will crawl into your ears and mate somewhere inside you. That, my dear, is how gods are born!
Two spider earrings. One is large and silver with tiny diamonds for eyes while the other, though smaller, is an elegant ebony arachnid with a large ruby inset. If they are worn on a moonless night, they will crawl into your ears and mate somewhere inside you. That, my dear, is how gods are born!
Look at this here now, lads; its old Bill the Butcher’s diamond-encrusted garrote. Why’s it got diamonds? So as old Bill could cut through anyone’s fingers if they tried to get a hand up between their neck and a sudden date with death. Kinda ironic about old Bill’s fingers though. You woulda thought he would have been more careful, being a butcher and all.
Look at this here now, lads; its old Bill the Butcher’s diamond-encrusted garrote. Why’s it got diamonds? So as old Bill could cut through anyone’s fingers if they tried to get a hand up between their neck and a sudden date with death. Kinda ironic about old Bill’s fingers though. You woulda thought he would have been more careful, being a butcher and all.
The Eye of Viridia: A perfect star emerald the size of a pheasant’s egg, set in a pendant of intricately filigreed platinum. The refracted star pattern seems to move independent from a source of light, darting around as an eye searching…searching
The Eye of Viridia: A perfect star emerald the size of a pheasant’s egg, set in a pendant of intricately filigreed platinum. The refracted star pattern seems to move independent from a source of light, darting around as an eye searching…searching
The sulgede kroon (“feather crown”) is kept in the archives of the Eesti Rahva Muuseum in Tartu, Estonia. It is a liturgical artifact of the goddess Ītzpāpālōtl consisting of blue cotinga and pink spoonbill feathers affixed to gold plates decorated with a skull motif. During the Nazi occupation the museum was looted and the crown was given to Friederike Röhmer, sister of the General Commissioner for Estonia, SA Obergruppenführer Karl-Siegmund Litzmann. She wore it for a week and promptly died, and the sulgede kroon was quietly returned to the museum.
The sulgede kroon (“feather crown”) is kept in the archives of the Eesti Rahva Muuseum in Tartu, Estonia. It is a liturgical artifact of the goddess Ītzpāpālōtl consisting of blue cotinga and pink spoonbill feathers affixed to gold plates decorated with a skull motif. During the Nazi occupation the museum was looted and the crown was given to Friederike Röhmer, sister of the General Commissioner for Estonia, SA Obergruppenführer Karl-Siegmund Litzmann. She wore it for a week and promptly died, and the sulgede kroon was quietly returned to the museum.
A blue-yellow fluorite miniature of an old manse found on a lonely hill. Except the stone was found in a vein deep in a limestone mine exactly as it is today.
A blue-yellow fluorite miniature of an old manse found on a lonely hill. Except the stone was found in a vein deep in a limestone mine exactly as it is today.
Deep in the bowls of the gem tyrant hundreds of priceless gems are welded together by digestive fluids into a dull lump. despite their somewhat vial origins and appearance, legend say that anyone who poses them can not help but acquire wealth.
Deep in the bowls of the gem tyrant hundreds of priceless gems are welded together by digestive fluids into a dull lump. despite their somewhat vial origins and appearance, legend say that anyone who poses them can not help but acquire wealth.
They say that it’s just a story, that the Bone Garnet isn’t actually set into a finely-carved ring of human bone. But… everyone who ever owned the thing started to whimper about the faces they saw in the shadows…
They say that it’s just a story, that the Bone Garnet isn’t actually set into a finely-carved ring of human bone. But… everyone who ever owned the thing started to whimper about the faces they saw in the shadows…
Shine-Tooth is a legend among troll hunters and undisputed master of the mountain. Many foolish adventurers have broken their swords over his diamond hide before being burnt to a crisp under his ruby glare.
Shine-Tooth is a legend among troll hunters and undisputed master of the mountain. Many foolish adventurers have broken their swords over his diamond hide before being burnt to a crisp under his ruby glare.
If we allow Manos to acquire the last Finality Stone, he will become so powerful that he will be able to feed and provide for all peoples of the universe with the snap of his fingers…
If we allow Manos to acquire the last Finality Stone, he will become so powerful that he will be able to feed and provide for all peoples of the universe with the snap of his fingers…
Each and every jade stone strung into this deer leather necklace is polished nearly to a glow, except one. When you take them in hand and count out the steps in your daily chores or daring plan you can be assured the dullest link will appear where luck, or reasoning, is weakest.
Each and every jade stone strung into this deer leather necklace is polished nearly to a glow, except one. When you take them in hand and count out the steps in your daily chores or daring plan you can be assured the dullest link will appear where luck, or reasoning, is weakest.
The Circlet of the Ashen Prince lies locked away in the neglected Reliquary of Accursed Keepsakes. Inset with a gleaming diamond prism, many have sought this priceless gem only to be turned to ash, themselves, by the gleaming brilliance of the white-hot star contained within.
The Circlet of the Ashen Prince lies locked away in the neglected Reliquary of Accursed Keepsakes. Inset with a gleaming diamond prism, many have sought this priceless gem only to be turned to ash, themselves, by the gleaming brilliance of the white-hot star contained within.
“Looking for something odd? Well, there’s this magical Gauntlet, kind siram – if you put it on, it will of course fuse with your hand and make it stronger and more agile. Quite the prize, and never you mind that sometimes it will act on it own – it will only write love poems and friendly words of encouragement.”
Back when the world was flat as a pan cake and the sun only as strong as a candle, the Emperor of Mu wore the Emerald Crown. Aeons later, descended into the oceans, a Kraken princess wore it in her uneasy sleep, until a deep sea drone came and took it. Now that drone has all the memories of Emperor and Kraken and is starting to merge and slowly, terribly become aware.
In Aachen there is a tiny jewelry store run by actual dwarves. They’ve given up on magical rings for the most part, but for her love Songül, the dwarf smith Ingvild created a ring that would have kept Songül hale and hearty for 333 years as long as she stayed true, but she hasn’t, and the curse has struck. Now her life resembles a soap opera with unlikely romances and plot twists galore.
“Looking for something odd? Well, there’s this magical Gauntlet, kind siram – if you put it on, it will of course fuse with your hand and make it stronger and more agile. Quite the prize, and never you mind that sometimes it will act on it own – it will only write love poems and friendly words of encouragement.”
Back when the world was flat as a pan cake and the sun only as strong as a candle, the Emperor of Mu wore the Emerald Crown. Aeons later, descended into the oceans, a Kraken princess wore it in her uneasy sleep, until a deep sea drone came and took it. Now that drone has all the memories of Emperor and Kraken and is starting to merge and slowly, terribly become aware.
In Aachen there is a tiny jewelry store run by actual dwarves. They’ve given up on magical rings for the most part, but for her love Songül, the dwarf smith Ingvild created a ring that would have kept Songül hale and hearty for 333 years as long as she stayed true, but she hasn’t, and the curse has struck. Now her life resembles a soap opera with unlikely romances and plot twists galore.
Not all evil lords build towers that reach into the sky or dark crypts carved into mountains. Embedded in the wall of an unassuming alley is a gem of deep blue cordierite. Any who touch it disappear, replaced with a tiny sparkle of light that glints across the stones facets before dimming. only one thief has been clever and cautious enough to return and tell of the labyrinthine halls of blue marble and the terrible guardians who wait for their next victim.
Not all evil lords build towers that reach into the sky or dark crypts carved into mountains. Embedded in the wall of an unassuming alley is a gem of deep blue cordierite. Any who touch it disappear, replaced with a tiny sparkle of light that glints across the stones facets before dimming. only one thief has been clever and cautious enough to return and tell of the labyrinthine halls of blue marble and the terrible guardians who wait for their next victim.
Cyber-Pope Innocent-TYR is protected from image-propagation curses by having his eyes crafted from marble, onyx, and a set of interchangeable gem-iris that allow not only pure worldly sight, but also spiritual.
Cyber-Pope Innocent-TYR is protected from image-propagation curses by having his eyes crafted from marble, onyx, and a set of interchangeable gem-iris that allow not only pure worldly sight, but also spiritual.
This tiny diamond ring would be unremarkable, but what catches your eye is not the poor quality of the gem, but the band itself. Looking closely at it, you can see your face, reflected at the moment of your death.
This tiny diamond ring would be unremarkable, but what catches your eye is not the poor quality of the gem, but the band itself. Looking closely at it, you can see your face, reflected at the moment of your death.
In the inner sphere crystals grow as common as trees and the denizens have learned to cut and shape them into buildings, tools and even weapons. notice this sword, surely the blade of a king. despite the priceless blade and hilt, it is “encrusted” with shapes of wood and iron.
In the inner sphere crystals grow as common as trees and the denizens have learned to cut and shape them into buildings, tools and even weapons. notice this sword, surely the blade of a king. despite the priceless blade and hilt, it is “encrusted” with shapes of wood and iron.
The Hand of Judgment was an ornate revolver with rubies in the grip. A plantation owner used it to execute rebellious slaves during the Civil War until one day the slaves captured him and turned it on him. The slaves were later captured, and the Hand of Judgment turned on them by a confederate soldier. After losing the war, the soldier turned the gun on himself. No one else dares use it, fearing they will find their death at the end of its barrel should they kill with it even once.
The Hand of Judgment was an ornate revolver with rubies in the grip. A plantation owner used it to execute rebellious slaves during the Civil War until one day the slaves captured him and turned it on him. The slaves were later captured, and the Hand of Judgment turned on them by a confederate soldier. After losing the war, the soldier turned the gun on himself. No one else dares use it, fearing they will find their death at the end of its barrel should they kill with it even once.
Yes I know that makes twelve natural 1s in a row. But I paid $1,895 for diamond polyhedrials and I’m going going to use them!
Yes I know that makes twelve natural 1s in a row. But I paid $1,895 for diamond polyhedrials and I’m going going to use them!
Daniel Fowler Bonus points for making me laugh out loud!
These are awesome so far, I’m loving them.
Daniel Fowler Bonus points for making me laugh out loud!
These are awesome so far, I’m loving them.
Is there a more cursed-looking blessing than the Scintillating Caracal of Oliphay? Some bloody-minded artificer cut the beast straight from a geode such that its face leers from ugly, mottled rock, carefully polished up to a shine, while raised haunches bristle in amethyst left raw and jagged. The Caracal invites treasury thieves to a gamble: does the regent keep a most extravagant scarecrow, or has a vicious new breed of guardcat just leapt snarling from living stone?
Is there a more cursed-looking blessing than the Scintillating Caracal of Oliphay? Some bloody-minded artificer cut the beast straight from a geode such that its face leers from ugly, mottled rock, carefully polished up to a shine, while raised haunches bristle in amethyst left raw and jagged. The Caracal invites treasury thieves to a gamble: does the regent keep a most extravagant scarecrow, or has a vicious new breed of guardcat just leapt snarling from living stone?
“You know, I always wanted to get bitten by a radioactive spider. Yes, many dream of that, but I took it farther – I became an arachnologist, the foremost in this field. And a nuclear engineer. So now I have built these little emerald spider broches, and if I am right, a bite from one of these lovelies will turn a person into an emerald spider-man under my control. Do you care to help me test it? What? I can’t hear you through your gag, but I’m sure that was consent … ” – from a video used as evidence at Dr. Thekla Arack’s trial.
…yes, I just saw Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Sorry. 🙂
“You know, I always wanted to get bitten by a radioactive spider. Yes, many dream of that, but I took it farther – I became an arachnologist, the foremost in this field. And a nuclear engineer. So now I have built these little emerald spider broches, and if I am right, a bite from one of these lovelies will turn a person into an emerald spider-man under my control. Do you care to help me test it? What? I can’t hear you through your gag, but I’m sure that was consent … ” – from a video used as evidence at Dr. Thekla Arack’s trial.
…yes, I just saw Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Sorry. 🙂
The legendary bracelet of Sir Theobald the Moderate is a silver band set with sparkling blueish stones and inscribed with unintelligible but attractive lettering. When an unsuspecting adventurer puts it on, it closes permanently and cannot be removed. Under the bracelet’s influence, the wearer’s vision and hearing sharpen, their judgement and reaction time increase, and they’re unaffected by alcohol no matter how much they drink. They’re also no fun at all.
The legendary bracelet of Sir Theobald the Moderate is a silver band set with sparkling blueish stones and inscribed with unintelligible but attractive lettering. When an unsuspecting adventurer puts it on, it closes permanently and cannot be removed. Under the bracelet’s influence, the wearer’s vision and hearing sharpen, their judgement and reaction time increase, and they’re unaffected by alcohol no matter how much they drink. They’re also no fun at all.
The Seed of All is a teardrop shaped emerald slightly larger than your thumb set in a platinum chain. It was originally a gift to the last queen of Trenii. When placed around her neck, she look revitalized with life, but by the end of the evening she had seemed to have gained a foot of height, her fingernails reached the floor and her hair trailed on the floor behind her.
It causes anything living thing it touches to grow to the peak of it’s life and continue to grow endlessly.
The Seed of All is a teardrop shaped emerald slightly larger than your thumb set in a platinum chain. It was originally a gift to the last queen of Trenii. When placed around her neck, she look revitalized with life, but by the end of the evening she had seemed to have gained a foot of height, her fingernails reached the floor and her hair trailed on the floor behind her.
It causes anything living thing it touches to grow to the peak of it’s life and continue to grow endlessly.
The Eye of Savras is a large pearl that looks like an eye with gold veins and always feels slightly damp. By focusing on the eye it will allow you to view anyone you can picture in your mind, but occasionally it will instead show you to that person instead.
The Eye of Savras is a large pearl that looks like an eye with gold veins and always feels slightly damp. By focusing on the eye it will allow you to view anyone you can picture in your mind, but occasionally it will instead show you to that person instead.
Once a gleaming rose gold necklace worn by the councillors of an ancient monarch, The Skins of The Philomathes is a metal band that lays heavily around the wearer’s neck yet is surprisingly supple. On closer inspection one can see spots where the color has faded. In truth, this necklace is made of more infinitesimally thin layers of different metals than one can count. By breaking the skin of each layer and revealing the new material underneath, the wearer can bring forth the knowledge of one of the metallic beings into their mind.
Once a gleaming rose gold necklace worn by the councillors of an ancient monarch, The Skins of The Philomathes is a metal band that lays heavily around the wearer’s neck yet is surprisingly supple. On closer inspection one can see spots where the color has faded. In truth, this necklace is made of more infinitesimally thin layers of different metals than one can count. By breaking the skin of each layer and revealing the new material underneath, the wearer can bring forth the knowledge of one of the metallic beings into their mind.
Lay your eyes upon the fabled Sword of Arrah and you’ll see a peerless weapon, its blade still gleaming after centuries. Lay a hand upon it and claim it, however, and your swordsmanship will be forever criticized by the ghosts of its inheritors. Take heart, though – after you fall, you may one day see it wielded by someone worthy of it.
Lay your eyes upon the fabled Sword of Arrah and you’ll see a peerless weapon, its blade still gleaming after centuries. Lay a hand upon it and claim it, however, and your swordsmanship will be forever criticized by the ghosts of its inheritors. Take heart, though – after you fall, you may one day see it wielded by someone worthy of it.
Just outside of town, in a small clearing that always feels a tad too humid, there’s a ruby egg the size of a healthy steer resting in the grass. It’s quite a thing to behold, and for the few decades it’s been there, stories have sprung up about how it’s hot to the touch or feels soft like velvet. Don’t trust those tales though: no one’s ever gotten that close.
Just outside of town, in a small clearing that always feels a tad too humid, there’s a ruby egg the size of a healthy steer resting in the grass. It’s quite a thing to behold, and for the few decades it’s been there, stories have sprung up about how it’s hot to the touch or feels soft like velvet. Don’t trust those tales though: no one’s ever gotten that close.
The topaz gavel has been passed down for centuries to the head Dwarven arbiter. It’s said it’s strike can bring silence to any room, others rumor it slowly renders the user deaf but more resolute in their judgment.
The topaz gavel has been passed down for centuries to the head Dwarven arbiter. It’s said it’s strike can bring silence to any room, others rumor it slowly renders the user deaf but more resolute in their judgment.
Each knot of this enchanted fishing net holds a tiny turquoise. When cast into a river or lake, the net will always catch the rarest fish present. It glimmers in the shallows, still clutched by the bones of its last owner, a mermaid-hunter who dredged a forgotten horror from its geologic torpor.
Each knot of this enchanted fishing net holds a tiny turquoise. When cast into a river or lake, the net will always catch the rarest fish present. It glimmers in the shallows, still clutched by the bones of its last owner, a mermaid-hunter who dredged a forgotten horror from its geologic torpor.
The Star Heart is exactly as described, a giant diamond harvested from a dying star. It’s nearly impossible to steal from the art gallery built around it, but that hasn’t stopped the follish from trying. But who would fence such a treasure? And who would buy?
The Star Heart is exactly as described, a giant diamond harvested from a dying star. It’s nearly impossible to steal from the art gallery built around it, but that hasn’t stopped the follish from trying. But who would fence such a treasure? And who would buy?
In the neon glow outside Hex spaceport, a street vendor ducks between racks hanging jackets and coats for travelers unprepared for the turbulent weather on Ontos. Among the synaesthetic vests and shimmering collars is a beaten leather jacket encrusted with shining jewels in the pattern of an unknown planetary system. Trying it on binds the jacket to the wearer, and reports come in of a shocking discovery in the cosmos.
In the neon glow outside Hex spaceport, a street vendor ducks between racks hanging jackets and coats for travelers unprepared for the turbulent weather on Ontos. Among the synaesthetic vests and shimmering collars is a beaten leather jacket encrusted with shining jewels in the pattern of an unknown planetary system. Trying it on binds the jacket to the wearer, and reports come in of a shocking discovery in the cosmos.
Down here, we can’t see the sky. No moon, no sun, just the fungus and the glowing rocks to fight the darkness. But up high, we can see them sparkle; the Wayfinders. Who placed those gems up there, no one knows. But think how bright they must be, to see them from so far way!
Down here, we can’t see the sky. No moon, no sun, just the fungus and the glowing rocks to fight the darkness. But up high, we can see them sparkle; the Wayfinders. Who placed those gems up there, no one knows. But think how bright they must be, to see them from so far way!
Grey diamonds engulfed in the slate of the old city create endless flecks of dust. Townsfolk call this the “dust of decaying shadows” and tell you that while it is floating through the air you can feel the untouch of ghosts, but beware of intersecting shadows.
Grey diamonds engulfed in the slate of the old city create endless flecks of dust. Townsfolk call this the “dust of decaying shadows” and tell you that while it is floating through the air you can feel the untouch of ghosts, but beware of intersecting shadows.
conceptually this overlaps a bit with the Blood Diamond of Bathory above, so even if the quality is good enough I understand if it doesn’t make the cut:
This rose-shaped haematite crystal exerts an uncanny pull on nearby spilt blood. Any who wield it can even draw blood forth from an open wound with a mere thought. The crystal digests any blood it touches, adding iron to its mass — eventually it will divide in two and spirit one daughter away to find a new master. It knows to do this while unseen.
conceptually this overlaps a bit with the Blood Diamond of Bathory above, so even if the quality is good enough I understand if it doesn’t make the cut:
This rose-shaped haematite crystal exerts an uncanny pull on nearby spilt blood. Any who wield it can even draw blood forth from an open wound with a mere thought. The crystal digests any blood it touches, adding iron to its mass — eventually it will divide in two and spirit one daughter away to find a new master. It knows to do this while unseen.
Emeralds take their fascinating colour from impurities in the stone. In the normal course of things, these impurities are chemical in nature; however the Cardinal hoards a wealth of gems coloured by spiritual impurity. Where he gathered these sins, and what he plans to do with them, remains a mystery.
Emeralds take their fascinating colour from impurities in the stone. In the normal course of things, these impurities are chemical in nature; however the Cardinal hoards a wealth of gems coloured by spiritual impurity. Where he gathered these sins, and what he plans to do with them, remains a mystery.
The old mountain kingdom developed a universal abrasive while in search of the universal solvent. The glimmering, translucent dust is so fine that it can slip out of a sealed bottle, and so sharp that a single grain on a stiff breeze can bore straight through a heifer.
The old mountain kingdom developed a universal abrasive while in search of the universal solvent. The glimmering, translucent dust is so fine that it can slip out of a sealed bottle, and so sharp that a single grain on a stiff breeze can bore straight through a heifer.
Cataclysm Crystals are fantastic sources of energy, even one as small as a marble can power a home indefinitely. They were the last gift from the star beasts who fought and died defending us. With their dying breaths, they turned their bodies into our greatest treasure.
Cataclysm Crystals are fantastic sources of energy, even one as small as a marble can power a home indefinitely. They were the last gift from the star beasts who fought and died defending us. With their dying breaths, they turned their bodies into our greatest treasure.
This Black Star Sapphire carving of a Bear has been known to give its wearers great strength and instill fear to those whose eyes get lost in their glimmer. However, it’s rumored that certain wearers will forever be haunted by the Star Bears, wanting to reclaim their kin.
This Black Star Sapphire carving of a Bear has been known to give its wearers great strength and instill fear to those whose eyes get lost in their glimmer. However, it’s rumored that certain wearers will forever be haunted by the Star Bears, wanting to reclaim their kin.
Hue Stones are opalescent stones that scintillate with the most brilliant sparks of colour. They draw colour from their surroundings, making everything else seem drab and grey. When broken they release the trapped colours staining the fabric of reality around them.
Hue Stones are opalescent stones that scintillate with the most brilliant sparks of colour. They draw colour from their surroundings, making everything else seem drab and grey. When broken they release the trapped colours staining the fabric of reality around them.
And that’s it for this month! Thanks everybody, you all make picking so hard! 💖
And that’s it for this month! Thanks everybody, you all make picking so hard! 💖
Ryan McNeil thank you, even if mine are unused the prompt unstuck my creative block for another project.
Also, in the event you do want to use one of mine, im happy to edit down their wordcount or otherwise revise them.
Ryan McNeil thank you, even if mine are unused the prompt unstuck my creative block for another project.
Also, in the event you do want to use one of mine, im happy to edit down their wordcount or otherwise revise them.