On the blog I follow up on my earlier post about using and remixing the idea of Icons from 13th Age in other contexts. For our new Microscope generated 13th Age campaign we created new mostly mortal icons. Half of these the players generated during our Session Zero. The rest I wrote to fill niches, but with ideas, names, and inspiration drawn from the timeline the players created. We’re a couple of sessions down the road with this f2f campaign, and we’re seeing new ideas and dimensions added to these in play.
Link: http://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/blog/age-of-ravens-concrete-icons
A while back, when I was considering converting my Ptolus campaign to 13th Age, I had to build icons for that game world. On the second try, I hit upon the idea that the real movers and shakers in that world aren’t people or organizations, but artifacts. So, these became the icons for that game.rpg.divnull.com – Ptolus 13th Age Conversion – DivNull RPG
A while back, when I was considering converting my Ptolus campaign to 13th Age, I had to build icons for that game world. On the second try, I hit upon the idea that the real movers and shakers in that world aren’t people or organizations, but artifacts. So, these became the icons for that game.rpg.divnull.com – Ptolus 13th Age Conversion – DivNull RPG
Nice– I especially like the breakdown by relationship points there. Gives the players something to gauge their potentially abstract interaction.
Nice– I especially like the breakdown by relationship points there. Gives the players something to gauge their potentially abstract interaction.
I think another thing that might work well for icons for the icons to be more like offices or positions that people rotate in and out of, sort of like the Incarnations of Immortality series.
I think another thing that might work well for icons for the icons to be more like offices or positions that people rotate in and out of, sort of like the Incarnations of Immortality series.