Hello everyone, I want to share a nice freebe I got from the guys that translated DW into german.
It is a bag you can throw your dice on it and it shows what treasure the PCs are finding in the adventure. See the picture below.
I think it is a really nice addon
I got this too!
I got this too!
Neat! I wish it also said “…but play culture matters more.”
Neat! I wish it also said “…but play culture matters more.”
Jason Cordova Thats the name of the publisher. 😂
Jason Cordova Thats the name of the publisher. 😂
Oh, hey, I got it too, but mine wasn’t free (and I work for them)!
Oh, hey, I got it too, but mine wasn’t free (and I work for them)!
Tina Trillitzsch I feel bad about it! When all these big books are finished, we’ll find you an even better freebie! 😀
Tina Trillitzsch I feel bad about it! When all these big books are finished, we’ll find you an even better freebie! 😀