Kia ora! We’re so very pleased to have the Storybrewers — Vee Hendro and Hayley G as guests from good ol’ Straya in attendance at Gauntlet Con 2018!!
Vee Hendro is a game designer, graphic designer, and one half of Storybrewers Roleplaying. She has published two major games so far, Alas for the Awful Sea and Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG, and has no intention of slowing down! She is passionate about creating safe and fun RPG play spaces, and loves a good-looking book. You can find her IRL in Sydney, Australia, or online @Rocketeer_Vee.
Hayley is a game designer from the mythical land of Straya, and one half of storybrewers roleplaying. Together with co-designer Vee, she’s created games such as Alas for the Awful Sea, and Good Society. She’s shamelessly addicted to story games and cheese based snacks.
​During Gauntlet Con, Hayley will run May He Most Favoured By the Gods Take Victory and The Fictionalised Memoirs of Harriette Wilson and Her Sisters.
Please do check out the Gauntlet Con website to keep up with other fab news!
(I can say ‘Straya, right? Even though I’m a New Zealander?)