I’ve now played in 1 session and run a couple sessions of Beam Saber.

I’ve now played in 1 session and run a couple sessions of Beam Saber.

I’ve now played in 1 session and run a couple sessions of Beam Saber. It’s a Forged in the Dark hack with mechs inspired by most of gundam and similar mech things. I’ve been having fun running it but it’s also my first FitD system. Run a couple of PBTA sessions also (2ish dozen). Any advice you wish you heard about blades systems when you started? Advice on how to decide what complications and ‘secret’ reveals that pop up? Also I can post a link to the session as we record them.

2 thoughts on “I’ve now played in 1 session and run a couple sessions of Beam Saber.”

  1. I’ve found FitD to be pretty sandboxy. To me, this means as a GM prepping for general feel and idea of what’s going on, opposed to specific complicated structures. If I have some inspiration and find something neat, I’ll just note the inspiration or immediate ideas and not detail them out. This makes it easier, for me, to rework the inspiration to fit what is going on, instead ham fisting it in.

    As a player, I want to have a stronger drive/belief/passion so I can help drive and shape play, because the game “feels” better when the characters are really pushing their agendas (even, or especially with conflicting agendas).

  2. I’ve found FitD to be pretty sandboxy. To me, this means as a GM prepping for general feel and idea of what’s going on, opposed to specific complicated structures. If I have some inspiration and find something neat, I’ll just note the inspiration or immediate ideas and not detail them out. This makes it easier, for me, to rework the inspiration to fit what is going on, instead ham fisting it in.

    As a player, I want to have a stronger drive/belief/passion so I can help drive and shape play, because the game “feels” better when the characters are really pushing their agendas (even, or especially with conflicting agendas).

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