A friend of mine in the UK is planning to run Rovers at the Continuum game convention this weekend. I decided he needed a promo flyer so I hand-crafted this. I didn’t “use Photoshop” or “Do a decent job” but I work within my own constraints. Many thanks to Catherine Ramen of Aviatrix Games
So good!
So good!
Looks fantastic to me!
Looks fantastic to me!
This is great. Mind if I share it?
This is great. Mind if I share it?
Not at all; I just wish I could remember the name of the magazine I Painted over 😉
Not at all; I just wish I could remember the name of the magazine I Painted over 😉
Wow great!
Wow great!
Terra, Issue 534 sf-hefte.de – Details
Terra, Issue 534 sf-hefte.de – Details
Cool image. It doesn’t say when it was published – it looks Gold Age, maybe late 50s to 60s
Cool image. It doesn’t say when it was published – it looks Gold Age, maybe late 50s to 60s
Very Nice 🙂
Very Nice 🙂
Thank you, Catherine! My friend Lloyd Gyan also ran Rovers, at UK Games Expo, so it’s really spreading far and wide 🙂
Thank you, Catherine! My friend Lloyd Gyan also ran Rovers, at UK Games Expo, so it’s really spreading far and wide 🙂
I should check to see if the file on the website is the latest–I made a
small change to how scars and terms work to make the “freeloading on extra
terms” less a problem.
I should check to see if the file on the website is the latest–I made a
small change to how scars and terms work to make the “freeloading on extra
terms” less a problem.